CASE STUDY REVIEW Jane and Larry Glazer Real estate developer from Rochester, New York Payne Stewart American Professional Golfer
WHAT HAPPENED? Mechanical failure compromises the integrity of the cabin Cabin depressurizes Pilot and crew experience hypoxia Autopilot for both aircraft were engaged Aircraft crashes after running out of fuel No survivors
THE SOLUTION Autopilot detects depressurization and takes aircraft to lower altitude (<10,000 FT) Get crew and passengers to a breathable altitude Maybe pilot will regain consciousness and save the day In flight data link Capture Flight Recorder Data Download state of aircraft Report estimated fuel remaining to pinpoint crash site (to avoid populated areas) Determine cause of malfunction Remote override of autopilot to redirect aircraft
CHALLENGES What to do if system can’t decent to < 10,000 FT Flying in the mountains Traffic below aircraft Security FAA Regulations
ROBERT EDWARD “BO” REIN Ohio State University Football ( ) -Led team in receptions 1964 & Rushing in 1966 Baseball ( ) - Helped win 1966 College World Series Noted Football Coach ( ) North Carolina State Louisiana State
REFERENCES USA Today Cabin Decompression and Hypoxia andhypoxia.php MailOnline wreckage-plane-NY-real-estate-developer-wife-crashed-Jamaica-flying miles-unconscious.html#ixzz3FwatEXvN
LARRY AND JANE GLAZER Larry Glazer Real estate developer in Rochester, New York Buckingham Properties - Rochester’s largest commercial real estate portfolio Xerox Tower Bausch + Lomb Midtown Tower Jane Glazer Math Teacher (before going into business) Owner of QCI Direct – A catalog company Completed New York City Marathon in 1995 “The Glazers were innovative and generous people who were committed to revitalizing downtown Rochester and making the city they loved a better place for all.” - Gov. Andrew Cuomo
PAYNE STEWART Well known for his exuberant golfing outfits American Professional Golfer Won MCI Heritage Golf Classic 1989 Won PGA Championship 1989 Won US Open 1991 & 1999 Played for the US on three World Cup teams
WHAT DO THEY HAVE IN COMMON? Flying in private aircraft Aircraft deviated from flight plan No response when Air Traffic Controller radioed Two F-16 called in to investigate the “Ghost Aircraft” F-16 pilots report windows iced over Autopilot for both aircraft were engaged Aircraft crashes after running out of fuel No survivors
Payne Stewart October 25, 1999 Jane and Larry Glazer September 5, 2014
WHAT HAPPENED? Mechanical failure compromises the integrity of the cabin Cabin depressurizes Door, window or duct seal failure? 60% of corporate jet depressurizations are caused by uncontained engine failure Air enters engine from outside, drawn off, compressed, heated and used to pressurize the cabin Pilot and crew experience hypoxia
WHAT IS HYPOXIA? Hypoxia - a condition in which the body or a region of the body is deprived of adequate oxygen supply. What happens at 40,000 feet during depressurization? Warning alarms/lights go off in cockpit Pilots dawn oxygen mask / masks fall from ceiling for passengers Pilot takes aircraft below 10,000 FT Normally, atmosphere inside airplane should never feel more 8,000 FT
TIME OF USEFUL CONSCIOUSNESS Altitude (feet)Consciousness min or more 18, min 22, min 25, min 28, min 30, min 35, sec 40, sec 45, sec sec Research by the US Air Force shows 80 % of pilots with no experience of decompression wait as long as 15 seconds to respond correctly to a loss of cabin pressure. Stewart (46.4K) Glazer (28.0K) Mt. Everest (27.9K)
PROBLEM -GHOST AIRCRAFT- Small aircraft depressurization and pilot/crew becomes unconscious With autopilot engaged aircraft keeps flying at high altitudes Air Traffic Control has no status of aircraft Standard practice is to contact Air Force and request assistance Chase plane providing visual inspection is all they can do Autopilot continue to fly the programmed course for hours Aircraft eventually runs out of fuel and crashes (This could happen over a highly populated area ) Post crash analysis Cockpit Voice and Data Recorders (CVDR) have limited voice recording capability making it difficult to hear communications if outside record window 2 HRS of voice recording time