Courage Creativity Connection Strengthening a Rochester Regional Network for Student Success
Courage Creativity Connection
CROSS-SECTOR CONNECTIONS Middle School High School College Teacher Education Real-World Teaching Summer Learning School-Year Learning Research Practice
COLLABORATIVE PROFESSIONAL LEARNING Facilitation Committee as a P.L.C. …leadership, problem-solving, research, ownership K-20 Faculty Fellows P.L.C.s …collaborative learning and teaching Connected Educator Team …technology supported learning/teaching, knowledge base
Courage Creativity Connection CORE VALUES Deep listening Courageous conversations Honoring the heart of teaching & wisdom of practice Resilience & renewal for ourselves and our students Rejecting toxic notions & practices Building capacity to take meaningful collective action & strengthen our regional student success network
Courage Creativity Connection Join us as we identify follow-up action steps in the coming months to continue strengthening our regional student success network. Look for college readiness resources, events & discussions on the CCTE Website
Courage Creativity Connection Strengthening a Rochester Regional Network for Student Success