Critical Path Analysis One Way to Develop Top 3 Critical Paths Angelo Arcoleo 18 May2011
Purpose – This presentation describes one way to analyze total slack and develop a projects’ Top 3 Critical Paths. (There are several other ways….) Essential steps include: 1- Selecting your program end-deliverable as your Primary Critical or Driving Path end-task. 2- Setting a temporary deadline on that end-task, 2 months earlier than contract end-date. 3- Performing Total Slack analysis to determine remaining Critical or Driving Paths. 4- View Top 3 Critical Paths.
Key Concepts Driving Path vs Key Concepts Driving Path vs. Critical Path Smart Driving Path Numbering Critical Path formula Standard Views Gantt Chart Total Slack Analysis Path Gantt Top 3 Critical Paths Smart PS-UID Total Slack in Calendar Days
Using Gantt Chart view, select end-deliverable task 1- Select your program end-deliverable as your Primary CP end-task. Using Gantt Chart view, select end-deliverable task to define Primary Critical or Driving Path
Use the ‘Find Path to Selected Task’ icon to run macro and find controlling predecessors
Use the Driving Path Widget to find controlling predecessors The Driving Path Widget locates all predecessor tasks that drive a specific task. Have you ever looked at a long list of predecessor tasks in a project and wondered which one is causing the schedule delay? With the Driving Path Widget, you will stop wasting time manually checking tasks to identify a path of predecessors that determine any given task’s schedule. Just select a task and push the "Driving Path" toolbar button. Available from: Project Widgets
Select Yes when warning pops-up. Four fields (2-Text, 2-Flag) are used in this macro; Then select View 09 - Path Gantt Chart to view results FYI: Here’s what these fields are titled…
Use View 09 – Path Gantt Chart, to see path leading to that task Sort by DP, Then by Finish
Select PS-UID Column in MS Project Copy and Paste into Excel for DP numbering then Copy DP # and Paste into DP field 09 Angelo subsystem Driving path step Smart DP numbering helps to define subsystem, automatically define DP/CP and sort tasks in sequential order
Add Formula for CP, if missing… CP will populate as a function of DP 09 Angelo In a Master Shell environment, using a subsystem prefix in DP field helps identify what subsystem a paths lies.
Review and adjust DP order to eliminate schedule “knots”, then Sort by DP, Then by Finish 09 Angelo Schedule “knots” are out-of-sequence tasks. Manual renumbering smart DP ID fixes this situation.
Set task Deadline: 2 months earlier, 2- Setting a temporary deadline on selected end-deliverable task, 2 months before contract end-date Set task Deadline: 2 months earlier, to create a negative TS condition… 09 Angelo Deadline can be set earlier, depending on the level of “sensitivity” you want to temporarily “push” TS.
Select view Total Slack Analysis 3- Performing Total Slack analysis to determine remaining Critical or Driving Paths Select view Total Slack Analysis 09 Angelo
Filter-out CP#1 (CP contains blank) 09 Angelo
Copy PS-UID for Secondary Critical or Driving Path, Paste in Excel and Number Driving Path 09 Angelo Review and adjust DP order to eliminate any schedule “knots”, Sort by DP, Then by Finish
Define Tertiary Critical Path You may need to further “push” the deadline to define 3rd DP You can manually number DP for short paths 09 Angelo Review and adjust DP order to eliminate any schedule “knots”, Sort by DP, Then by Finish
Select view 08 – Top 3 Critical Paths 09 Angelo
Select view 08 – Top 3 Critical Paths 09 Angelo
Reset Deadline 09 Angelo
View Top 3 Critical or Driving Paths Done! 09 Angelo
View Top 3 Critical or Driving Paths Key Concepts Driving Path vs. Critical Path Smart Driving Path Numbering Critical Path formula Standard Views Gantt Chart Total Slack Analysis Path Gantt Top 3 Critical Paths Smart PS-UID Total Slack in Calendar Days Questions? THANK YOU! 09 Angelo This concludes (one way ) “How to Perform Critical Path Analysis” and Develop a Top 3 Critical Path Chart
View Top 3 Critical or Driving Paths Credits: Driving Path Macro – Created by Ken Jamison, Project Widgets Corp: 302.439.3414 Fax: 302.397.2064 Email: Delivering Microsoft Project consulting, training and software solutions. Sponsor – Joanne Greene-Blose, PMP President and CEO The Project Solvers of America, Inc. One Grove St, Suite 216A, Pittsford, NY 14534 585-764-5663 Presenter: Angelo Arcoleo, PMP Cell: 585-217-6794 Email: 09 Angelo ANGELO ARCOLEO brings over 30 years experience in engineering, project management, planning and trainer assisting organizations by leading projects and teams to plan and help execute critical projects. Angelo brings many years of program and business experience and best practices to every Project. His passion for what he does, self-motivation, quiet-leadership and ability to work with many people and teams assures program success. He is a professionally trained Civil Engineer, BS, Rochester Institute of Technology; Town of Webster Planning Board member and Master Scheduler for ITT – Geospatial Systems Division; Orange Belt in Microsoft® Office Project; and President of MPUG (Western New York Chapter, Microsoft® Project Users Group). 585-217-6794 585-269-7806