Fostering Self-Determined Behaviors through ePortfolios: A student-driven eportfolio initiative and study
“To be self-determined is to endorse one’s actions at the highest level of reflection. When one is self- determined, people experience a sense of freedom to do what is interesting, personally important, and vitalizing.” -Ryan and Deci
Richard Ryan and Edward Deci
Autonomous Behavior To be autonomous means to act in accord with one’s self
Autonomous Behavior It means feeling free and volitional in one’s actions.
Autonomous Behavior When autonomous, people are fully willing to do what they are doing.
Autonomous Behavior They embrace the activity with a sense of interest and commitment.
Autonomous Behavior Their actions emanate from their true sense of self
Autonomous Behavior so they are being authentic.
Controlled Behavior When controlled, people act without a sense of personal endorsement.
Controlled Behavior Their behavior is not an expression of the self for it is subjugated to the controls.
Controlled Behavior In this condition, people can reasonably be described as alienated.
Autonomous = Authenticity Controlled = Alienation Edward L. Deci, Why We Do What We Do, Understanding Self-Motivation, (1996) New York, New York, Penguin Books
eportfolio as tool for reaching Tipping-Point from extrinsic (instructor-led) motivation to intrinsic (student-led) self-determined learning behaviors student recognizing and creating own learning experiences and opportunities for reflection in all areas of life student selecting, collecting, reflecting on, and connecting non-required artifacts outside of classroom eportfolio Extrinsic Motivators Explicit requirements, instructions, goals, and expectations from instructor Deadlines Grades Extra Points (Rewards) and Point Deductions Instructor Feedback Peer Feedback Feedback from experts outside of the classroom Training and Support Instructor maintains own eportfolio Provide examples of other student eportfolios Provide reflection prompts and rubric Create template for required content and reflection Student freedom with design and look of eportfolio Student eportfolio showcases Recognition and Rewards Self-Determined Behaviors (motivators are intrinsic) Autonomy Self-regulated activity Responsibility and ownership Student-led reflection and prompts Competency Demonstrated mastery of skill or concept Self-awareness of demonstrated mastery Relatedness Making knowledge connections to all areas of life – academic, professional, personal Finding social relevance in course and program content and assignments eportfolio Extrinsic Intrinsic Nancy Wozniak, Stony Brook University, 2010 SBU ePortfolio Implementation and Study - o/SBU_ePortfolio_Study o/SBU_ePortfolio_Study natural, unstructured formation of student community and collaboration
eportfolio as tool for reaching Tipping-Point from extrinsic (instructor-led) motivation to intrinsic (student-led) self-determined learning behaviors student recognizing and creating own learning experiences and opportunities for reflection in all areas of life student selecting, collecting, reflecting on, and connecting non-required artifacts outside of classroom eportfolio Extrinsic Motivators Explicit requirements, instructions, goals, and expectations from instructor Deadlines Grades Extra Points (Rewards) and Point Deductions Instructor Feedback Peer Feedback Feedback from experts outside of the classroom Training and Support Instructor maintains own eportfolio Provide examples of other student eportfolios Provide reflection prompts and rubric Create template for required content and reflection Student freedom with design and look of eportfolio Student eportfolio showcases Recognition and Rewards Self-Determined Behaviors (motivators are intrinsic) Autonomy Self-regulated activity Responsibility and ownership Student-led reflection and prompts Competency Demonstrated mastery of skill or concept Self-awareness of demonstrated mastery Relatedness Making knowledge connections to all areas of life – academic, professional, personal Finding social relevance in course and program content and assignments eportfolio Extrinsic Intrinsic Nancy Wozniak, Stony Brook University, 2010 SBU ePortfolio Implementation and Study - o/SBU_ePortfolio_Study o/SBU_ePortfolio_Study natural, unstructured formation of student community and collaboration
Stony Brook Study Do authentic learning methods facilitated through the use of eportfolios have a positive impact on student self-determined behaviors?
Methods of Measurement Pre and Post test measuring self-determined behaviors Intensity, Frequency and Duration rubric measuring eportfolio activity Student interviews and focus groups
Student ePortfolio Consultants lead the drive to teach students and faculty about the importance of reflection in the eportfolio learning process.
As I begin to work on my ePortfolio I began to understand how this could be beneficial to anyone. An ePortfolio is a living showcase of your work. It is an easy way to store all your projects and showcase them for others to see. It also gives a personal touch that something like a resume can't. ePortfolios allow you to elaborate extensively on what work you have done including writing reflections on what you did. You can also display class projects and things you have written.
Meta-cognating Murray Student ePortfolio Consultants conduct classroom training sessions and workshops. Eda designed Meta-cognating Murray used to promote reflection in student eportfolios.
ePortfolio consultants in charge of Change the World Student ePortfolio Showcase during Stony Brook Spring Colloquium on May 14 th
ePortfolio student consultants pick featured eportfolios
Student consultants design newsletter and Galaxy of Stars page
Featured eportfolios screens designed by student consultants shown on SCALA monitors in SINC sites (student computer labs)
Join our Facebook group called Spotlight on ePortfolios, our fan page on Facebook called Stony Brook ePortfolios, follow our Twitter page and join our Spotlight on ePortfolios group at LinkedIn!Spotlight on ePortfoliosStony Brook ePortfoliosTwitter pageLinkedIn
Student consultants conduct focus groups with students using eportfolios in courses
ePortfolio Consultants presenting at colloquium in May
Nancy Wozniak, M.A. Learning Architect and ePortfolio Program Manager Stony Brook University The Faculty Center S1464 Melville Library Stony Brook, NY