New York State Environmental Excellence Awards
Environmental Excellence Awards Program Recognizes Innovation Sustainability Creative Partnerships Honors Entrepreneurs Municipalities Big and Small Companies Schools and Universities Not-For-Profits
Environmental Benefits Past winners have positively impacted New York’s environment by: SAVING 37 million KWh of electricity SAVING 37 million KWh of electricity AVOIDING 25,000 tons of greenhouse gases AVOIDING 25,000 tons of greenhouse gases REDUCING water use by 35 million gallons REDUCING water use by 35 million gallons
Environmental Benefits GREENING 10,000 farms using agriculture environmental management practices GREENING 10,000 farms using agriculture environmental management practices PRESERVING 150,000 acres of open space PRESERVING 150,000 acres of open space
Environmental Benefits ELIMINATING 2 million lbs of hazardous waste ELIMINATING 2 million lbs of hazardous waste RECYCLING 340 million pounds of solid waste RECYCLING 340 million pounds of solid waste DIVERTING 7,300 tons of waste from landfills DIVERTING 7,300 tons of waste from landfills
Success in the NYC, NY Harbor, and LI Sound Watersheds Long Island Green Homes GrowNYC Brewster Central Schools Town of North Hempstead Gotham Greens Village of Southampton
Gotham Greens
Village of Southampton SAVE
Town of North Hempstead
Town of Cortlandt IBM (2007 and 2012) University of Albany Ecovative Omega Center Success in the Hudson River Watershed
IBM (2007 and 2012)
University of Albany
Omega Center NYSDEC Pollution Prevention Unit
Success in the Mohawk River & Central NY Region Union College City of Rome Golub Corporation Owens Corning Onondaga Resource Recovery Agency Onondaga County Save the Rain Project
Delaware County Post-Flood Emergency Stream Intervention Program NYSDEC Pollution Prevention Unit
Onondaga County “Save the Rain”
More Success … Turnkey Internet Turnkey Internet Advanced Climate Technologies (ACT) Bioenergy, LLC Advanced Climate Technologies (ACT) Bioenergy, LLC Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District Delaware County Soil and Water Conservation District Schoharie River Center Schoharie River Center NYSDEC Pollution Prevention Unit
Advanced Climate Technologies (ACT) Bioenergy, LLC NYSDEC Pollution Prevention Unit
Schoharie River Center NYSDEC Pollution Prevention Unit
TurnKey Internet, Inc. NYSDEC Pollution Prevention Unit
Golub Corporation
Owens Corning
Success in the Great Lakes: Ontario Region University of Rochester Garlock Sealing Technologies Monroe Industries Rochester, Syracuse & Dryden School Districts Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council Monroe County (3 projects)
Monroe Industries
Dryden School District
Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council
Monroe County (3 projects)
Success in the Great Lakes: Erie Region Uniland Development Modern Landfill
Modern Landfill
Success in the North Country Golden Arrow Resort Golden Arrow Resort The Nature Conservancy and Lyme Timber Co. The Nature Conservancy and Lyme Timber Co. Homogeneous Metals Homogeneous Metals Gloversville-Johnstown Sewer Board Gloversville-Johnstown Sewer Board The Golden Arrow’s Green Roof
The Nature Conservancy and Lyme Timber Company
Homogeneous Metals
Gloversville-Johnstown Sewer Board
New York State Environmental Excellence Awards
2014 Applications Being Accepted Application materials at Application materials at Call Marna Posluszny at (518) or Call Marna Posluszny at (518) or Applications must be completed and post marked no later than Friday May 9, 2014
Application Review Schedule Application deadline Friday May 9, 2014 Application deadline Friday May 9, 2014 Eligibility, Technical and Compliance Reviews conducted during the summer; Eligibility, Technical and Compliance Reviews conducted during the summer; External Review Committee review during late summer/early fall; External Review Committee review during late summer/early fall; Awards Ceremony in November or December Awards Ceremony in November or December