UR Research University of Rochester River Campus Libraries UR Research Development and Use of the University of Rochester’s Institutional Repository Judi Briden Internet Librarian 2006
UR Research University of Rochester River Campus Libraries IMLS grant How faculty find, use and produce grey literature Enhance our DSpace institutional repository Anthropologist led cross-disciplinary project team Work practice study and participatory design
UR Research University of Rochester River Campus Libraries Work practice study Interview faculty in their offices about how they do their work Co-view and discuss videos and transcripts Storyboards Analysis of faculty needs Brainstorm possible solutions
UR Research University of Rochester River Campus Libraries Work with co-authors Version control Work from anywhere Own work available to others Easy access to others’ work Keep up in their fields Own organization scheme Persistently viewable Control ownership, security, access Permanently available Preserve digital items Others maintain equipment and tools Not violate copyright Easy and flawless Reduce chaos Not be any busier Faculty needs
UR Research University of Rochester River Campus Libraries UR Researcher page Personal view of content and submission Co-designed with faculty Statistics counter Evidence of use
“Most popular” Musical scores Speaking Stones CS Technical Reports
UR Research University of Rochester River Campus Libraries How we started Policy overload Thinking of institutional showcase Language disconnect about benefits Co-authors (elsewhere) not invited Focus on past (completed) research Little consideration for marketing Inadequate staffing
UR Research University of Rochester River Campus Libraries That was then, this is now Focus on individual Your work can easily be found and cited Whatever it takes to put content in Targeted and opportunistic marketing Graduate students as future faculty Unpublished work and associated data
UR Research University of Rochester River Campus Libraries Success One researcher at a time Increasing use of collections Even better would be Institutional authoring software Digital submission integrated with research, writing, and publishing process Full time marketing person
UR Research University of Rochester River Campus Libraries UR Research Grey Literature/DSpace Project: Shared Results Judi Briden