1 My Own Private Kiosk: Privacy-Preserving Public Displays Marc Eaddy † Gábor Blaskó † Jason Babcock ‡ Steven Feiner † † Columbia University ‡ Rochester Institute of Technology
2 Overview EyeGuide 3D eye tracking Eye as input
3 Public/private displays PublicPrivatePublicPrivate Audible loud speaker headphones, directional speaker speech, microphone whispered speech, personal mike Visual monitor, public display, projector head worn display, wearable, PDA, laptop eye movements (w/ visual feedback) eye movements (no visual feedback) Haptic bass, wind, vibration touch screen touch screen, button, slider (hidden) EyeGuide Output Input
4 EyeGuide Eye tracker Head tracker Earphone (for privacy) Head Tracker Scene Camera Eye Camera Earphone
5 Scenario Subway map (public display) Lost user Nefarious straphangers EyeGuide “steers” the user’s gaze to locations on the map using whispered verbal cues
7 Contributions Introduces private “gaze steering” –2D: Maps, Paintings –3D: Sculpture, “Secret Agent Man” Lightweight eye- and head- tracking headgear Head Tracker Scene Camera Eye Camera Earphone
8 3D Eye Tracking 3D Model Scene (Map) Eye/Camera Head World
9 3D Eye Tracking Accuracy Calibration errors (more points, remove outliers) Eye tracker errors (smoothing) Head tracker errors (smoothing) Eye Plane Eye-in-Head Projection
10 3D Calibration Original calibration method –9 points, fixed head position –27 points, different head positions New calibration method (Mulligan) –Fixate on single point –While moving head back and forth (and up and down) –Vestibuloocular Reflex (VOR) –Allows us to get 100s of points –More user friendly
11 Eye as real-time 3D input device? Passive –Gaze contingent displays (EyeGuide) –Head pose often sufficient –When is the finer level of granularity (below 30º) needed? Active –Eye as controller –Fitts’ Law applied to AR/VR –Eye can point, select, and move faster than mouse (in some situations)
12 Acknowledgements Funded in part by the Office of Naval Research and gifts from IBM and Microsoft.