STEP ONE Remember – RACE Any person discovering a fire remember the acronym RACE. This stands for: o R ESCUE: remove anyone in danger. If necessary move patients behind the next set of fire doors. o A LARM/Alert: activate the nearest fire alarm. Pull the nearest Fire Alarm OR Tell a co-worker to pull it! Dial 195 to notify Safety and Security o C ONTAIN/Confine: confine the fire by closing the surrounding windows and doors. o E XTINGUISH/Evacuate: extinguish the fire by using any available extinguisher. If working in the lab you should also have someone dial 195 to notify safety and security, initiate an overhead ‘Code F’ and evacuate the lab.
STEP TWO Make A Decision -Should I close doors to contain the fire, initiate an evacuation horizontally and the area? (this fire is too big!) -Should I use a Fire Extinguisher?
Click button for next slide …When to put out a Fire …When to Exit …How to use a Fire Extinguisher
You may use a fire extinguisher ONLY when a fire is first starting and is very small like: In a waste basket In a microwave oven In a toaster and hasn’t spread!
You may use a fire extinguisher ONLY IF: You have been trained on WHEN and HOW to use a fire extinguisher and you receive annual re-training.
Fire Extinguisher Tips Most extinguishers only last about 10 – 18 seconds. Don’t let the fire, heat, or smoke come between you and your way out! Use the “PASS” system. Use the right kind of extinguisher.
Use the “PASS” system P ull the pin A im at the base of the fire from about 8 feet away S queeze the handle S weep from side to side at the base of the fire until it is out
Use The Right Kind Of Extinguisher
Extinguishers at UIHC From the Department of Pathology Fire Safety Procedure
Now What? If the fire goes out: Stand back, it can flare up! Then, Evacuate horizontally to an area beyond a fire door! If the fire doesn’t go out: Evacuate horizontally to an area beyond a fire door! Fire Officials will tell you if and when to evacuate the building.
A supervisor or designee should immediately check the enunciator fire panel in your area. 6RC Core Path has 2 enunciator panels: 1. By the bathrooms in the hallway near the Carver Atrium (just around the corner and to the right at the end of the 6RC break-room hallway). 2. To the right of the staff locker room near the EE elevator. 6BT Microbiology’s panel is on the east wall of the entrance hallway by the staff locker-room. Based upon information on the enunciator panel, make an overhead announcement of “Code F” or “Code F All Clear” (see next slide). If an investigation reveals a fire…follow RACE and PASS guidelines. IF YOU HEAR A FIRE ALARM in Clinical Pathology at UIHC: Department of Pathology Fire Safety Procedure
Your section’s designated meeting place will be shown to you at orientation and fire drills will be conducted on a quarterly basis. If you hear fire alarms followed by an overhead announcement of “Code F”…. Leave your work area, and go directly to your lab’s designated meeting place.
Procedures for laboratory areas when Fire Alarm sounds AND Alert Lights flash: All Laboratory areas Designated personnel from area checks enunciator panel and observes if fire doors in that area have closed. If: Then: Doors and panel lights are not activated Announce Code F “All Clear” over Dial- Access Page System using telephone number specific to area Lights on any panel are activated Personnel must investigate affected area NOTIFY HOSPITAL SECURITY AT 195 AND STATE CAUSE Smoke and/or fire is present, announce over Dial-Access Page System that a Code F is in progress. Evacuation routes are posted at exits of each laboratory area. Personnel exit laboratory and proceed to designated triage area for further instructions. Procedure for using Dial-Access Page system Dial 121. When phone stops ringing, dial access code for floor: 0 - for all of Pathology in GH and RCP Blood Bank Blood Donor Center 5th floor RCP 6th floor RCP 1- Blood Donor Center only 2- Pediatric Laboratory 3- Blood Bank only 4 - Cancer Center Laboratory 5 - for 5th floor RCP 6- for 6th floor RCP 7- Surgical Pathology area (5JPP) 8- Family Care Center Laboratory 9- Microbiology Laboratory Department of Pathology Fire Safety Procedure
Procedures for laboratory areas when Fire Alarm sounds AND Alert Lights flash: All Laboratory areas Designated personnel from area checks enunciator panel and observes if fire doors in that area have closed. If: Then: Doors and panel lights are not activated Announce Code F “All Clear” over Dial-Access Page System using telephone number specific to area Lights on any panel are activated Personnel must investigate affected area NOTIFY HOSPITAL SECURITY AT 195 AND STATE CAUSE Smoke and/or fire is present, announce over Dial-Access Page System that a Code F is in progress. Evacuation routes are posted at exits of each laboratory area. Personnel exit laboratory and proceed to designated triage area for further instructions. Procedure for using Dial-Access Page system Dial 121. When phone stops ringing, dial access code for floor: 0 - for all of Pathology in GH and RCP Blood Bank Blood Donor Center 5th floor RCP 6th floor RCP 1- Blood Donor Center only 2- Pediatric Laboratory 3- Blood Bank only 4 - Cancer Center Laboratory 5 - for 5th floor RCP 6- for 6th floor RCP 7- Surgical Pathology area (5JPP) 8- Family Care Center Laboratory 9- Microbiology Laboratory Procedures for laboratory areas when Fire Alarm sounds AND Alert Lights flash: All Laboratory areas Designated personnel from area checks enunciator panel and observes if fire doors in that area have closed. If: Then: Doors and panel lights are not activated Announce Code F “All Clear” over Dial- Access Page System using telephone number specific to area Lights on any panel are activated Personnel must investigate affected area NOTIFY HOSPITAL SECURITY AT 195 AND STATE CAUSE Smoke and/or fire is present, announce over Dial-Access Page System that a Code F is in progress. Evacuation routes are posted at exits of each laboratory area. Personnel exit laboratory and proceed to designated triage area for further instructions. Procedure for using Dial-Access Page system Dial 121. When phone stops ringing, dial access code for floor: 0 - for all of Pathology in GH and RCP Blood Bank Blood Donor Center 5th floor RCP 6th floor RCP 1- Blood Donor Center only 2- Pediatric Laboratory 3- Blood Bank only 4 - Cancer Center Laboratory 5 - for 5th floor RCP 6- for 6th floor RCP 7- Surgical Pathology area (5JPP) 8- Family Care Center Laboratory 9- Microbiology Laboratory Department of Pathology Fire Safety Procedure REMEMBER: Evacuate horizontally to an area beyond a fire door! Fire Officials will tell you if and when to evacuate the building.
Procedures for laboratory areas when Fire Alarm sounds AND Alert Lights flash: All Laboratory areas Designated personnel from area checks enunciator panel and observes if fire doors in that area have closed. If: Then: Doors and panel lights are not activated Announce Code F “All Clear” over Dial- Access Page System using telephone number specific to area Lights on any panel are activated Personnel must investigate affected area NOTIFY HOSPITAL SECURITY AT 195 AND STATE CAUSE Smoke and/or fire is present, announce over Dial-Access Page System that a Code F is in progress. Evacuation routes are posted at exits of each laboratory area. Personnel exit laboratory and proceed to designated triage area for further instructions. Procedure for using Dial-Access Page system Dial 121. When phone stops ringing, dial access code for floor: 0 - for all of Pathology in GH and RCP Blood Bank Blood Donor Center 5th floor RCP 6th floor RCP 1- Blood Donor Center only 2- Pediatric Laboratory 3- Blood Bank only 4 - Cancer Center Laboratory 5 - for 5th floor RCP 6- for 6th floor RCP 7- Surgical Pathology area (5JPP) 8- Family Care Center Laboratory 9- Microbiology Laboratory Department of Pathology Fire Safety Procedure
Procedures for laboratory areas when Fire Alarm sounds AND Alert Lights flash: All Laboratory areas Designated personnel from area checks enunciator panel and observes if fire doors in that area have closed. If: Then: Doors and panel lights are not activated Announce Code F “All Clear” over Dial- Access Page System using telephone number specific to area Lights on any panel are activated Personnel must investigate affected area NOTIFY HOSPITAL SECURITY AT 195 AND STATE CAUSE Smoke and/or fire is present, announce over Dial-Access Page System that a Code F is in progress. Evacuation routes are posted at exits of each laboratory area. Personnel exit laboratory and proceed to designated triage area for further instructions. Procedure for using Dial-Access Page system Dial 121. When phone stops ringing, dial access code for floor: 0 - for all of Pathology in GH and RCP Blood Bank Blood Donor Center 5th floor RCP 6th floor RCP 1- Blood Donor Center only 2- Pediatric Laboratory 3- Blood Bank only 4 - Cancer Center Laboratory 5 - for 5th floor RCP 6- for 6th floor RCP 7- Surgical Pathology area (5JPP) 8- Family Care Center Laboratory 9- Microbiology Laboratory Department of Pathology Fire Safety Procedure Directions for Fire/Emergency Evacuation Drill of the Core6RCP/Micro-6BT Laboratories 1.A member of the safety committee or designee (the evacuation coordinator) will initiate the drill. 2.Clerks/Specimen processors will dial “121-6” - 6RCP or “121-9” – 6BT and announce “Code F” (for an actual fire) or “Code F Drill (for a fire drill), evacuate the laboratory”. For any other emergency evacuation, “Evacuate the laboratory. This is NOT a drill.” 3.All personnel are to exit the Lab and meet: 6RC: in the atrium hallway outside the double fire doors (at the end of the break-room hallway). 6BT: by the A elevator outside the double fire doors. 4.Lab personnel will assist any disabled individuals. 5.In the case of an Evacuation Drill: if there are outpatients in the drawing room or waiting for phlebotomy, stay with the patient and continue the procedure. In the case of an Actual Evacuation, cease the procedure and evacuate the patients. 6.Supervisors must account for all personnel. Take the daily schedule to the evacuation meeting site. 7.Each employee should sign the evacuation/drill log to document presence/participation. 8.Return to the laboratory ONLY when indication by the evacuation coordinator. 9.Clerical/processing staff will announce “Code F Drill, All Clear” on the overhead paging system. In the case of an actual evacuation, instructions will be given. 10.Familiarize yourself with the evacuation egress diagrams. They are posted at every exit of the Clinical Labs. 11.Be prepared at anytime to tell an inspector or auditor how you would evacuate the lab from your present position AND how the acronyms RACE and PASS fit into our lab’s Fire Safety Procedure. Please direct any questions regarding these instructions to your supervisor or to a Core Lab Safety Committee member: Jon Maakestad, Lori Austin, Barb Swanson, Matt Zubcic or Wendy Voigt. 05/21/2007.
Procedures for laboratory areas when Fire Alarm sounds AND Alert Lights flash: All Laboratory areas Designated personnel from area checks enunciator panel and observes if fire doors in that area have closed. If: Then: Doors and panel lights are not activated Announce Code F “All Clear” over Dial-Access Page System using telephone number specific to area Lights on any panel are activated Personnel must investigate affected area NOTIFY HOSPITAL SECURITY AT 195 AND STATE CAUSE Smoke and/or fire is present, announce over Dial-Access Page System that a Code F is in progress. Evacuation routes are posted at exits of each laboratory area. Personnel exit laboratory and proceed to designated triage area for further instructions. Procedure for using Dial-Access Page system Dial 121. When phone stops ringing, dial access code for floor: 0 - for all of Pathology in GH and RCP Blood Bank Blood Donor Center 5th floor RCP 6th floor RCP 1- Blood Donor Center only 2- Pediatric Laboratory 3- Blood Bank only 4 - Cancer Center Laboratory 5 - for 5th floor RCP 6- for 6th floor RCP 7- Surgical Pathology area (5JPP) 8- Family Care Center Laboratory 9- Microbiology Laboratory Procedures for laboratory areas when Fire Alarm sounds AND Alert Lights flash: All Laboratory areas Designated personnel from area checks enunciator panel and observes if fire doors in that area have closed. If: Then: Doors and panel lights are not activated Announce Code F “All Clear” over Dial- Access Page System using telephone number specific to area Lights on any panel are activated Personnel must investigate affected area NOTIFY HOSPITAL SECURITY AT 195 AND STATE CAUSE Smoke and/or fire is present, announce over Dial-Access Page System that a Code F is in progress. Evacuation routes are posted at exits of each laboratory area. Personnel exit laboratory and proceed to designated triage area for further instructions. Procedure for using Dial-Access Page system Dial 121. When phone stops ringing, dial access code for floor: 0 - for all of Pathology in GH and RCP Blood Bank Blood Donor Center 5th floor RCP 6th floor RCP 1- Blood Donor Center only 2- Pediatric Laboratory 3- Blood Bank only 4 - Cancer Center Laboratory 5 - for 5th floor RCP 6- for 6th floor RCP 7- Surgical Pathology area (5JPP) 8- Family Care Center Laboratory 9- Microbiology Laboratory The Department of Pathology complies with fire protection and prevention procedures as outlined in the Hospital Safety Manual: UIHCPolicies/default.aspx UIHCPolicies/default.aspx Look for ‘fire safety’ documents in the Safety Reference Cards or see the next slide. Laboratory personnel who are working on the patient care areas: Follow the directions of the charge nurse or nurse manager on that area. What if you are laboratory staff working on a patient care area?
Procedures for laboratory areas when Fire Alarm sounds AND Alert Lights flash: All Laboratory areas Designated personnel from area checks enunciator panel and observes if fire doors in that area have closed. If: Then: Doors and panel lights are not activated Announce Code F “All Clear” over Dial-Access Page System using telephone number specific to area Lights on any panel are activated Personnel must investigate affected area NOTIFY HOSPITAL SECURITY AT 195 AND STATE CAUSE Smoke and/or fire is present, announce over Dial-Access Page System that a Code F is in progress. Evacuation routes are posted at exits of each laboratory area. Personnel exit laboratory and proceed to designated triage area for further instructions. Procedure for using Dial-Access Page system Dial 121. When phone stops ringing, dial access code for floor: 0 - for all of Pathology in GH and RCP Blood Bank Blood Donor Center 5th floor RCP 6th floor RCP 1- Blood Donor Center only 2- Pediatric Laboratory 3- Blood Bank only 4 - Cancer Center Laboratory 5 - for 5th floor RCP 6- for 6th floor RCP 7- Surgical Pathology area (5JPP) 8- Family Care Center Laboratory 9- Microbiology Laboratory Procedures for laboratory areas when Fire Alarm sounds AND Alert Lights flash: All Laboratory areas Designated personnel from area checks enunciator panel and observes if fire doors in that area have closed. If: Then: Doors and panel lights are not activated Announce Code F “All Clear” over Dial- Access Page System using telephone number specific to area Lights on any panel are activated Personnel must investigate affected area NOTIFY HOSPITAL SECURITY AT 195 AND STATE CAUSE Smoke and/or fire is present, announce over Dial-Access Page System that a Code F is in progress. Evacuation routes are posted at exits of each laboratory area. Personnel exit laboratory and proceed to designated triage area for further instructions. Procedure for using Dial-Access Page system Dial 121. When phone stops ringing, dial access code for floor: 0 - for all of Pathology in GH and RCP Blood Bank Blood Donor Center 5th floor RCP 6th floor RCP 1- Blood Donor Center only 2- Pediatric Laboratory 3- Blood Bank only 4 - Cancer Center Laboratory 5 - for 5th floor RCP 6- for 6th floor RCP 7- Surgical Pathology area (5JPP) 8- Family Care Center Laboratory 9- Microbiology Laboratory Double click to view the entire Word document >>
Now let’s answer some questions to see how well you remember the important points about: … When to put out a Fire …When to Exit …How to use a Fire Extinguisher
WHEN CAN YOU USE A FIRE EXTINGUISHER? If you see one within 10 feet of the fire. If the fire hasn’t left the room. If the fire is small and hasn’t spread. If you have someone with you. Choose the best answer:
Sorry, the correct answer is: Only when a fire is first starting and is very small like: In a waste basket In a microwave oven In a toaster and hasn’t spread.
That’s right! You can use a fire extinguisher - Only when a fire is first starting and is very small like: In a waste basket In a microwave oven In a toaster and hasn’t spread.
A fire extinguisher lasts about? 8 to 10 seconds. 10 to 18 seconds. 18 to 30 seconds. 30 to 60 seconds. Choose the best answer:
Sorry, the correct answer is: Most extinguishers only last about 10 – 18 seconds.
That’s right! Most extinguishers only last about 10 – 18 seconds.
What should you do if you hear a “Code F” announced in Pathology? Evacuate immediately to your lab’s designated area. Find your coat and keys. Get a co-worker to help put out the fire. Follow the Pathology Fire Safety Procedure – ignoring RACE and PASS. Choose the best answer:
Sorry, the correct answer is: 1.Evacuate immediately to your lab’s designated area. 2.Do not waste time looking for your coat, keys or shutting down your computer. 3. Walk out of the building to the appointed meeting place. 4. Follow the Pathology Fire Safety Procedure – ignoring RACE and PASS
That’s right! 1. Immediately EVACUATE horizontally to an area beyond a fire door! Fire Officials will tell you if and when to evacuate the building. 2. Do not waste time looking for your coat, keys or being concerned about your workspace. 3. Walk out of the building to the appointed meeting place. 4. Wait for the “all clear” signal before you re-enter the building.
The “PASS” system means ? Point Aim Shoot Suds. Prepare Aim Sweep Shoot. Point Arm Stand Squeeze Pull Aim Squeeze Sweep Choose the best answer:
Sorry, the correct answer is: P ull the pin A im at the base of the fire from about 8 feet away S queeze the handle S weep from side to side at the base of the fire until it is out
That’s right! P ull the pin A im at the base of the fire from about 8 feet away S queeze the handle S weep from side to side at the base of the fire until it is out
Whether you succeed or not in putting out the fire you must ? Return the extinguisher to its mount Tell your supervisor Evacuate Sound the all clear Choose the best answer:
Sorry, the correct answer is: Evacuate! – If the fire goes out: Stand back, it can flare up! (Remember you set off the alarm or asked a coworker to do it before you went for the extinguisher.) Evacuate! (Remember you set off the alarm or asked a coworker to do it before you went for the extinguisher.) – If the fire doesn’t go out: Evacuate!
That’s right! Evacuate! – If the fire goes out: Stand back, it can flare up! (Remember you set off the alarm or asked a coworker to do it before you went for the extinguisher.) Evacuate! (Remember you set off the alarm or asked a coworker to do it before you went for the extinguisher.) – If the fire doesn’t go out: Evacuate!
Thank you for taking the time to learn about fire safety in Pathology at UIHC. Don’t forget to visit the Pathology Risk Management ICON site and take your quarterly fire safety quiz! Your Risk Management Officer will notify you of Fire Safety deadlines each quarter. Please remember to also: 1. Look at the Safety Crossword which can be found in the content link on the green bar of your icon course. 2.Go to the quizzes link on the green bar in your icon course and take the June 2007 fire safety quiz which will be auto-graded and recorded for your safety officer’s records. If you do not take the quiz by June 30, 2007 you will be notified by your safety officer or your supervisor/manager.