SUSY can affect scattering Parity-Violating electron scattering “Weak Charge” ~ sin 2 W ~ 0.1
SUSY can affect scattering Neutrino-nucleus deep inelastic scattering Cross section ratios
Neutral currents mix J Z = J Q sin 2 W J EM SU(2) L U(1) Y Weak mixing depends on scale
Weak Mixing Angle: Scale Dependence sin 2 W (GeV) SLAC E158 (ee)JLab Q-Weak (ep) e + e - LEP, SLD Atomic PV N deep inelastic Czarnecki, Marciano Erler, Kurylov, MR-M
PV Electron Scattering SLACJefferson Lab Vernon W. Hughes
PV Electron Scattering SLACJefferson Lab
Interpretation of precision measurements How well do we now the SM predictions? Some QCD issues Proton Weak Charge Weak charge Q 2 =0.03 (GeV/c) 2 Form factors: MIT, JLab, Mainz Q 2 >0.1 (GeV/c) 2
Interpretation of precision measurements How well do we now the SM predictions? Some QCD issues Proton Weak Charge F P (Q 2, -> 0) ~ Q 2 Use PT to extrapolate in small Q 2 domain and current PV experiments to determine LEC’s
Q W and SUSY Radiative Corrections Tree Level Radiative Corrections sin 2 Flavor-independent Normalization Scale-dependence of weak mixing Flavor-dependent
Universal corrections muon decay gauge boson propagators
Oblique Parameters SM fit only No SUSY effects
Parameter Space Scan
Comparing Q w e and Q W p SUSY loops 3000 randomly chosen SUSY parameters but effects are correlated Effects in sin 2 W dominate Negligible SUSY loop impact on cesium weak charge 105 parameters: random scan Kurylov, Su, MR-M
Correlated Radiative Corrections total
RPV Corrections to Weak Charges sin 2 shift in
Other constraints, cont’d. MWMW CKM Unitarity APV l2
Comparing Q w e and Q W p SUSY loops -> e + e SUSY dark matter is Majorana RPV 95% CL fit to weak decays, M W, etc. Kurylov, Su, MR-M
Comparing Q w e and Q W p Can be a diagnostic tool to determine whether or not the early Universe was supersymmetric there is supersymmetric dark matter The weak charges can serve a similar diagnostic purpose for other models for high energy symmetries, such as left-right symmetry, grand unified theories with extra U(1) groups, etc.
Comparing Q w e and Q W p Erler, Kurylov, R-M Q W P = Q W e = Experiment SUSY Loops E 6 Z / boson RPV SUSY Leptoquarks SM
sin 2 W (GeV) SLAC E158 (ee)JLab Q-Weak (ep) e + e - LEP, SLD Atomic PV N deep inelastic Additional PV electron scattering ideas DIS-Parity, JLab Moller, JLab DIS-Parity, SLAC Czarnecki, Marciano Erler et al. Linear Collider e - e -
sin 2 W (GeV) SLAC E158 (ee)JLab Q-Weak (ep) e + e - LEP, SLD Atomic PV N deep inelastic Additional PV electron scattering ideas DIS-Parity, JLab Moller, JLab DIS-Parity, SLAC Czarnecki, Marciano Erler et al. Linear Collider e - e -
Neutrino-nucleus deep inelastic scattering conflicts with SUSY Cross section ratiosExp’t vs. SM Theory: NuTeV
- Nucleus DIS, Cont’d. Cross section ratios Radiative corrections sin 2 NC,CC L,R
Nucleus DIS: NuTeV K. McFarland, Rochester
NuTeV-SM Discrepancy Paschos-Wolfenstein Relation
- Nucleus DIS: SUSY Loop Corrections wrong sign NuTeV Kurylov, SU, MR-M
RPV Effects unconstrained elsewhere
- Nucleus DIS: RPV Effects wrong sign NuTeV Kurylov, SU, MR-M
N scattering conflicts with SUSY sin 2 W (GeV) SLAC E158 (ee)JLab Q-Weak (ep) e + e - LEP, SLD Atomic PV N deep inelastic Czarnecki, Marciano Erler, Kurylov, MR-M Increase V us for CKM unitarity (BNL E865, K e3 )
NuTeV Anomaly: An explanation?
Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation T-odd, CP-odd by CPT theorem C: e - $ e + P: E $-E, S $ S
Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation T-odd, CP-odd by CPT theorem C: e - $ e + P: E $-E, S $ S SM: CKM
Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation T-odd, CP-odd by CPT theorem C: e - $ e + P: E $-E, S $ S SM: Strong CP Gluons: systems with quarks
Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation f d SM d exp d future If SUSY CP violation is responsible for abundance of matter, will these experiments see an EDM? CKM
Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test new CP-violation f d SM d exp d future CKM Superfluid He UCN converter with high E-field E in t Pb + O–O– E ext Yale DeMille, Romalis
Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test new CP-violation f d SM d exp d future CKM 1: B from E Sample magnetization M d e E/T E 2: E from B B V Sample voltage V d e LANL Amherst
Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test new CP-violation f d SM d exp d future CKM LANSCE!SNS Superfluid He UCN converter with high E-field
Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test new CP-violation f d SM d exp d future CKM Washington Princeton Argonne…
Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test new CP-violation f d SM d exp d future CKM Storage ring: BNL JPARC… Also deuteron
Present n-EDM limit Proposed n-EDM limit “n-EDM has killed more theories than any other single experiment” B. Filippone Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Universe Better theory
Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation Weak Scale Baryogenesis B violation C & CP violation Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Present universeEarly universe Weak scalePlanck scale
Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation Weak Scale Baryogenesis B violation C & CP violation Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Unbroken phase Broken phase CP Violation Topological transitions 1st order phase transition EDM: Standard SUSY - breaking Cohen, Kaplan, Nelson Huet & Nelson Riotto…..
Electric dipole moment (EDM) searches may test SUSY CP-violation Weak Scale Baryogenesis B violation C & CP violation Nonequilibrium dynamics Sakharov, 1967 Unbroken phase Broken phase CP Violation Topological transitions 1st order phase transition How model-dependent ? Theoretical uncertainties?
Present n-EDM limit Proposed n-EDM limit “n-EDM has killed more theories than any other single experiment” B. Filippone Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Universe Better theory ?