By: Vladislav and Koshala The Birth of the Erie Canal!!! A canal is an artificial waterway for navigation, irrigation etc. A canal is different because.


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Presentation transcript:

By: Vladislav and Koshala

The Birth of the Erie Canal!!! A canal is an artificial waterway for navigation, irrigation etc. A canal is different because it has one of the largest aqueducts of the time. In 1810 Mayor De Witt Clinton had a dramatic solution. He suggested building a canal between the Hudson river and Lake Erie. Others thought that the canal was “Clintons Folly” or (Clintons mistake). The Erie Canal was built in The Erie Canal was built for an easier and a cheaper way to ship goods from city to city.

The Birth of the Erie Canal!!! Some people who helped build the Erie Canal were the Irish Americans.

Geography of the Erie Canal!!! The two bodies of water are Lake Erie and Lake Ontario. Some cities that are along the Erie Canal in New York State are Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse,Utica and Albany.

Geography of the Erie Canal!!! It would take about 12 days to travel from Albany to Buffalo.

How the Erie Canal was used The Erie Canal is used for biking. Many people like to bike along the Erie Canal The Erie Canal was used for shipping goods and giving access to new farm lands except for the Montezuma Swamp. The Erie Canal allowed New York State to begin its industrial Revolution. It provided quicker and cheaper way of shipping goods. The Erie Canal is still used today. It is being used for class field trips, bike riding and boat parties.

How a lock works A lock allows a boat to pass from one section of the canal at one water level, to another. They also separate 2 sections of the canal so the water from the upper level does not flood the lower one.

Interesting Fun Facts!!! The Erie Canal cost 7 million dollars. The length of the Canal was 363 miles. It was 40 feet wide and 4 feet deep. Some of the boats that were on the Erie Canal bum boats. They carried goods from the floating stores to the canal boats. Some examples are meat, dairy products, table ware and other goods. A picture of a canal boat is on the next page.

Awesome Authors Hi! My name is Vlad. I enjoyed making this slide show. I enjoy Star Wars. My favorite hobby is playing with Lego's.I have one sister. Her name is Sasha. One interesting fact about the Erie Canal that I found is that it cost 7 million dollars!!! Hi ! My name is Koshala.I enjoy reading. Another thing that I enjoy is biking riding and hiking. My hobby is reading. I love school! I’m a really good drawer. One fact that I found interesting is that bum boats were like mini markets

Sources: “The Erie Canal.” PBS Kids Go! 14 Apr “The Erie Canal: A Brief History.” NYS Canals. 14 Apr “The Erie Canal: A Journey Through History.” ePodunk. 14 Apr “Images of the Erie Canal in Syracuse.” The Erie Canal. 14 Apr “Locks on the Erie Canal.” The Erie Canal. 14 Apr