MANAGING PROJECTS & PREVENTING SCOPE CREEP The Shift – Challenge to Change October 22, 2010
Kathy Crenshaw, Director of Enterprise Learning, Apollo Group, Inc. – 20 years instructional design and project management Sherry Michaels, President, Michaels & Associates Docntrain, Ltd. – 30 years instructional design, project management Jennifer Witter, President, Witter Consulting – 17 years leading and managing organizational change, PMP Introductions
Agenda Why It Matters Planning Fulfillment Implementation Considerations
Costs Real money, budgetary and to the company Customer Satisfaction Credibility Future projects
Planning Evaluate Scope Schedule Communicate Deliver
Fulfillment Measure and manage to your plan Productivity Quality Assurance (QA) Communicate Formalized approval, version control, and maintenance processes
Fulfillment Manage Scope Change of Scope (COS) triggers Change in key players Additional Content beyond initial contract Dangerous Duo for COS Software training New or undefined processes Tips for Managing COS
Implementation Considerations Testing System integration Rollout approach Look back and learn… then go forward!
Kathy Crenshaw Sherry Michaels Jennifer Witter Thank you