Rosa Filgueira – University of Edinburgh Iraklis Klamapnos- University of Edinburgh Yusuke Tanimura- AIST, Tsukuba Malcolm Atkinson- University of Edinburgh
Introduction ◦ Problem description ◦ Hypothesis ◦ Rock Physics laboratory experiments ◦ Objective ◦ Proposal Related developments ◦ Data transfer protocols ◦ Data transport systems FAST ◦ Selecting the best data transfer protocol ◦ Data transfer experiments ◦ Implementation and evaluation Future work and Questions
Large number of rock physics (RP) laboratories ◦ Runs many experiments (Experimentalists) Large number of rock physicists ◦ Develops computational codes (Code builders) Sharing experimental data among this community is still in its early days ◦ No facilities to transfer experimental data automatically in real time with their associated description (metadata)
Several tools for providing reliable and high performance data transfer capabilities ◦ Dropbox or Globus Online Not optimized for the RP requirements
The RP community will benefit from tool ◦ Transfers data and metadata in near-real time ◦ Repository and DB accessible from a website For experimentalists ◦ Collection and comparison of experiments from many labs For code builders ◦ Find test data for running their models
Laboratory rock property measurements ◦ Properties of the rock sample are studied under different conditions High-pressure vessels to apply pore pressures and stresses to cylindrical rock sample Until the sample has failed, different features (e.g stress, porosity, temperature, etc,....) are recorded at several time intervals In each interval, data transferred to a local computer machine (channel. 1 channel per rock)
Pressure VesselUCL- RP LaboratoryRock Samples
Initial target: 30 months Deploy under the sea- Mediterranean 8 rock samples- different features Different interval of times and data sizes
Each experiment can record data differently ◦ Events can be written in a new file or appended ◦ Files can be stored in the same directory or not ◦ Intervals for writing data can be shorts or long ◦ Number of rocks samples could be one or several ◦ Duration of an experiments can be short or long Data intensive problem for transferring the data
To transfer RP experimental data from one location to another ◦ Automated data transfer until the end-experiment Transfer experimental data Near real time and non-real time Synchronization Incremental (File) and Directory ◦ Possible interruptions and fails ◦ Record and transfer the metadata
FAST: Flexible automated synchronization transfer ◦ Data and metadata in real time and non- real time ◦ Incremental (file) and directory sync ◦ Selection of the data-transfer protocol ◦ Compatible with all O.S ◦ Simple to set up and manage ◦ Monitors the transmission, detects errors and recovers from them. ◦ Data collected in a repository, metadata in DB, and web site for accessing them Proposal is triggered by our work ◦ EFFORT project ◦ Using data provided by the Creep-2 project
File transfer Protocol (FTP) ◦ Control and data are un-encrypted ◦ Easy to use, lack of security FTP security extension (FTPS) ◦ Control encrypted (TLS or STLS), but data might not be Secure Copy (SCP) ◦ SSH for transferring data and authentication (more secure than previous ones) ◦ File transfer only ◦ Ideal for quick transfer of single files SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) ◦ Based in SSH-2: best for secure access (packet confirmation) ◦ File transfer, creating and delete remote directories and files ◦ Directory synchronization, Rsync ◦ Incremental file transfer (delta algorithm) ◦ File and directory synchronization ◦ Can provide encrypted transfer by using SSH ◦ On-the-fly compression option ◦ Idea for back-ups
UDP-(UDT) ◦ UDP protocol for data-intensive applications ◦ UDT can transfer data a higher speed than TCP- based protocols UDT Enabled Rsync (UDR) ◦ Uses Rsync for the transport mechanism (delta) ◦ Sends data over the UDT protocolIdeal for large data over long distance ◦ Ideal for large data over long distance
GridFTP: ◦ HP secure, reliable data rate via high bandwidth ◦ many-to-many ◦ difficult to use Globus Online ◦ Uses GridFTP protocol ◦ Automates the management of files: monitoring performance, retrying files, recovering from failes ◦ Do not support file synchronization. Dropbox: ◦ Centralize cloud storage, file and directory synchronization ◦ Rsync-delta protocol ◦ Data stored on the Amazon S3 (Third party) ◦ One-to-one file transfer BTSync ◦ Decentralized cloud storage, P2P file synchronization (No Third party). ◦ Connecting the devices to communicate with UDP ◦ Many-to-many file transfers WinSCP ◦ SFTP and FTP client for Windows
from Globus Online Support We recently noticed that you are creating many CLI sessions to, each with a single blocking transfer. This is a suboptimal way to use Globus Online and in fact is causing us some resource usage issues.
Previous tools ◦ Different data-transfer protocols ◦ Some automated data synchronization No one ◦ Select the best protocol depending on requirements ◦ Methods for tracking metadata and transferring it Our work automatically ◦ Selects a protocol among FTPS, SFTP, Rsync, and UDR ◦ Injects a minimum of metadata ◦ GridFTP and P2P discarded: communications 1-to-1 ◦ FTPS instead of using FTP: minimum security level ◦ SFTP derives from SCP
FTPS, SFTP, Rsync and UDR
Two machines located in Edinburgh ◦ VLAN Network 100MB/s Synthetic program to generate events Data size written to files: 50KB, 500KB, 1MB, 10MB, 100MB, 500MB, 1GB and 10GB. Measures: transfer rate and elapsed time Repetition: 10 times
SFTP fastest < 500MB Rsync fastest >= 500MB ** without compression Elapsed Time File SizeRsyncUDRSFTPFTPSRsync-cUDR-c 50KB KB MB MB MB GB GB
UDR has been specially designed ◦ Large data transfer over long distance UDR vs Rsync by using two machines ◦ Located in different local networks University of Edinburgh 1GbE AIST-Tsukuba 10GbE Generated Files: 1MB, 500MB, 1GB, 10GB and 30GB.
UDR fastest ** without compression Elapsed Time File sizeRsyncUDRRsync-cUDR-c 1MB MB GB GB GB
Front-end: GUI using Java SWING Back-end: Decision tree Data and Metadata ◦ Data stored in a remote repository (NAS) ◦ Metadata collected in remote database (MySQL) Science gateway (Web tool) connected with the repository and database ◦ Searching ◦ Visualizing ◦ Analyzing ◦ Download
FAST has been evaluated: ◦ By using synthetic programs for generating data real time and non-real time For each type of synchronization Different data sizes, and different types of network locations Short and Long term experiments Stop and restart ◦ For transferring data from a real rock physic experiment Laboratory- UCL (London) and Edinburgh Days: 45 days Interval: Every minute Rock Samples: 1
Use FAST in the Creep-2 experiment Implement FAST policies ◦ Data available in the repository for specific users during a reasonable period Sharing data from many-to-many locations Decision-tree ◦ Automating generation and maintenance ◦ Keep up-to-date the by measuring transfers Use FAST in more rock physics laboratories Use FAST in other disciplines