Repeating Earthquakes Olivier Lengliné - IPGS Strasbourg Cargese school
Please interrupt Questions / remarks
1 – Review of Repeating earthquake observations & interpretations 2 – Two examples of application
Observations - Waveforms Nadeau & Johnson, 1998
Parkfield, California – Mw6.0 USGS Bakun et al., 2005 De Bilt, The Netherlands
Uchida et al., 2012 Time (s) Off Kamaishi, Japan – M4.9
Chen et al., 2008 Chihshang fault, Taiwan
Time (s) 9 events 13 events 19 events Soultz-Sous-Forêts geothermal reservoir, France BRGM
San-Andreas Fault Schaff & Beroza, 1998 Rubinstein et al., 2012
u(t) = Source * Path * Station
Station is the same Change in medium property, [e.g Poupinet et al., 1984] Change in source properties, [e.g. Lengliné & Got, 2011]
Poupinet et al., 1984 Lengliné and Got, 2011 Directivity Velocity variations
u(t) = Source * Path * Station Station the same Change in medium property, [e.g Poupinet et al., 1984] Change in source properties, [e.g. Lengliné & Got, 2011] ! Homogeneous medium waveform similarity
Observations - Locations Waldhauser et al., 2004
Murray & Langbein, 2006 Parkfield
Off Kamaishi Okada et al., 2002 Relative moment released normalized by each maximum value Moment release distribution
Earthquake relative relocation Uncertainties P-wave picks Uncertainties of the velocity model
Earthquake relative relocation Uncertainties P-wave picks Uncertainties of the velocity model More precise data: time delays estimated from cross-correlation Ray geometry – rotation Do not correct absolute position
Earthquake relative relocation Uncertainties P-wave picks Uncertainties of the velocity model More precise data: time delays estimated from cross-correlation Ray geometry – rotation Do not correct absolute position From cross-correlation centroid location Got et al., 1994 Waldhauser & Ellsworth, 2000
Earthquake relative relocation Uncertainties P-wave picks Uncertainties of the velocity model More precise data: time delays estimated from cross-correlation Ray geometry – rotation Do not correct absolute position From cross-correlation centroid location Got et al., 1994 Waldhauser & Ellsworth, 2000 See Tutorial this afternoon for Methods
Lengliné & Marsan, 2008 Size = Assumed stress drop + circular crack + moment – magnitude relation
Bourouis & Bernard, 2007 Chen et al., 2008 Soultz-sous-Forêts Taiwan Radius estimated from corner frequency
Murray & Langbein, 2006 Rau et al., 2007 Clusters of co-located, similar waveforms earthquakes, appears at the transition between fully locked and fully creeping areas
Waldhauser & Schaff, 2008 Example from Northern-California Parkfield Is it related to fault slip velocity ?
Rubin et al., 1999 San Andreas Fault Streaks of microearthquakes – along slip direction Rheological / frictional / geological / geometrical transition ?
Observations - Timing
YearNumber μ Δt = 24.5 yr σ Δt = 9.5 yr COV = 0.37 Time (years) Earthquake number Parkfield
Repeaters off Kamaishi Repeating interval = /- 0.5 yrs Time (years)
Waldhauser et al., 2004 Distance along strike (km) Year San-Andreas fault at Parkfield
Waldhauser et al., 2004 Distance along strike (km) Year Periodic repeating ruptures
Rubinstein et al., 2012 Quasi-periodic behavior of the slip activity
Aseismic slip No interacting asperity The simplest model A locked seismic patch embedded in a fully creeping zone
Slip on the creeping part Slip on the seismic asperity Time Slip
Aseismic slip on the fault = seismic slip Time Slip d seis
Aseismic slip on the fault = seismic slip Elastic solution for a circular crack
Aseismic slip on the fault = seismic slip Elastic solution for a circular crack
Aseismic slip on the fault = seismic slip Elastic solution for a circular crack Constant stress drop
Chen et al., 2007
1st Hypothesis The constant stress drop hypothesis is not correct Empirical fit to the data then suggests in order to have T r ~ M 0 1/6 Implies that the stress-drop is higher for small events. Stress levels reach 2 GPa for the smallest events (more than 10 times laboratory strength) This result is at odds with estimates based on seismic spectra Relation not consistent with established scaling relations for large earthquakes.
Imanishi & Ellsworth, 2006
Chen & Lapusta, 2009
But not the estimated plate velocity – streaks close to locked section reduced velocity ?
Slip on the creeping part Slip on the seismic asperity Time Slip Seismic slip
Uchida, 2014 Off Kamaishi repeating sequence following Tohoku, 2011, Mw9 earthquake
Lengliné & Marsan 2008 Schaff & Beroza, 1998
Following Parkfield, 2004, Mw6 event
Response of a velocity strengthening area to a stress-step Marone, 1991 The Omori like decay of RES is well rendered by the slip evolution of the creeping area following a stress step
Nadeau & McEvilly, 1999
Bourouis & Bernard, 2007
Bouchon et al., 2011
Kato & Nakagawa, 2014 Kato et al., 2012
Repeating earthquake are local (sparse) creep-meter at depth Difficult to quantify if the seismic slip reflects the surrounding aseismic loading
Time after 01/01/1984 (years) Number of earthquakes Complications to the idealized picture Repeating sequence of small micro-earthquakes at Parkfield
Time after 01/01/1984 (years) Number of earthquakes Complications to the idealized picture Repeating sequence of small micro-earthquakes at Parkfield
Interactions from nearby small events Chen et al., 2013 More isolated events = more periodic
Vidale et al., 1994 How can strength of the interface build up so quickly between 2 events ? Healing of the interface
What is an asperity ? (geometrical/frictional/geological …) What is the lifetime of an asperity ? In which case do we observe periodicity ? (density of asperity) Are repeating LFE earthquakes obeying a similar mechanism ? Questions
2 examples of use of repeating earthquake sequences -Earthquake detection and time activity (with P. Ampuero) -Variation of source properties (with L. Lamourette, L. Vivin, N. Cuenot, J. Schmittbuhl)
Landweber deconvolution Example for one pair at one station
Landweber deconvolution All pairs at all stations
Sparse deconvolution 54 new detected events in the first 20s following a repeating earthquakes
Stack aftershock sequence Typical rupture duration
Wang et al., 2014
Omori’s law extended almost up to the rupture duration Implies a very low c-value and thus a very large stress changes in the R&S Dieterich framework Seismicity rate Time (t/t a ) No flatenning of the earthquake rate at early times Is this particular to the repeating earthquakes ?
Station surface sites 150 Hz sampling frequency months long circulation test 411 earthquakes recorded Largest magnitude event M2.3
4 groups of similar events Relocation suggest a similar location Each group have at least one event larger than 1.4 4/6 of the largest events of the circulation are included in these groups
SVD analysis (Rubinstein & Ellsworth, 2010 ) Up to a factor x 300 of moment ratio
SVD analysis (Rubinstein & Ellsworth, 2010 ) Up to a factor x 300 of moment ratio
For the largest event of each group
Corner frequency of the largest event of each group f c ~ [10-20] Hz
Wiener filter (equivalent to spectral ratio) Same rupture area
The difference of seismic moment reflects a difference of seismic slip/ stress drop Increase of pore pressure lowers the normal stress on the fault plane 2 effects: Shear failure promoted (reach the Coulomb enveloppe) Stabilizes the slip Several instances of aseismic movements have been suggested in the Soultz reservoir We are observing a transition from unstable to stable slip on the interface Bourouis & Bernard, 2007
Thank you