Only take notes on the slides with the “***” symbol
May All projects are due by May 14 Top winners will be interviewed by a panel of judges on May 20 th Winners announced on May 21 st. All MIRD Fair Qualifiers will be invited to the MIRD Fair Party Barf Pizza Party
Must relate to video games Must say “MIRD Fair 2013” School appropriate Must have graphics Must be bigger than 8.5”x11” inches (sheet of notebook paper) Due by May 13 Top three winners get an 8GB Flash Drive NO teams; only individuals
Team Members Team Name Main Idea of Project Checklist Storyboards Resources needed ▪ Music, Sound Effects, Art, Marketing Materials Job Roles Milestones-Timeframes
Programmer $66,116 Game Designers $50,375 Sound Effects/Music $32,500^ Art/Animation Design $49,481 Marketing (posters, advertisements, game description) $57,778 ▪ NOTE: this should be done as you get closer to finishing your game Project Manager and Producers (this is your teacher) $71,818 Quality Assurance/Game Testers $37,000^
This is when your project begins to change ▪ For example: you start to make a jumping game, but then it turns into a flying game They are not bad if you keep it under control They are bad if let it get out of control Many factors can cause scope creep ▪ Change of your resources ▪ New team members ▪ Timelines ▪ Unseen obstacles
These are Beta Testers, or Game Testers Have random people, teachers, students test your game Have them look for glitches or what they like and don’t like Side Note: these are the lowest paying jobs in the video game industry
Don’t make your game too hard ▪ Start the game off easy, and then start making it harder Try to add some depth to your game ▪ The longer they play your game the better the score, and the less time they will have to play other games If you can’t draw very well, use some pictures from the internet or get someone on your team who can draw You can use photos and microphones Try to keep your project file size less than 10MB
Everyone back up the project to their H-drive, USB Flash Memory, Google Drop Box Make sure everyone is working on the project and has a job. ▪ If not, that person will be removed from the team and form their own team Get other ideas from other games, but don’t just copy the game ▪ This will disqualify your project Come in to tutoring and I will be able to help you more.