HIGH PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE PROJECT MANAGEMENT Module: 1 hour 15 minutes • Define and describe common project management terminology, including the characteristics which distinguish a project from other organizational activities • Learn the five phases of the project management process • Discover the triple constraints of project management: Quality, Cost, and Time • Identify the behavioral skills necessary to lead teams and manage stakeholders interests more effectively
What is a Project? A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Time: 3 minutes We use the term project rather freely, and we can refer to many things as a project. Let’s be sure we are appropriately using the term. What is a Project? A key aspect of a project is that it is first and foremost, temporary. It has a distinct end point. The other aspect is that it is unique. It is not our everyday work. It is typically a one-time task. Let’s look at the characteristics in more detail. Source: Project Management Institute (PMI).
What is a Project? Temporary Unique Team Has a definite beginning and ending point Unique Is not routine; the product or service is distinguishable in some way from other similar products or services Team Is accomplished by a team of people assembled for the duration of project who don’t usually work together Time: 3 minutes (6)
Staging Concert or Musical Implementing New Process or Software New Prescription Drug Building Home, Road, etc. Staging Concert or Musical Implementing New Process or Software Time: 2 minutes (8) Let’s look at some examples. Developing a new product Effecting a change in structure, staffing or style of an organization Designing a new transportation vehicle Developing or acquiring a new or modified information system Constructing a building or facility Running a political campaign Implementing a new business procedure or process
Almost 6.2 million U.S. jobs by 2020 Growing Profession Prior to 2010 Aerospace & Defense Construction & Engineering Financial Services Information Technology Pharmaceuticals Telecommunications Utilities Web/Internet/Software 2010 to 2020 Business Services Healthcare Manufacturing Construction & Engineering Financial Services Information Technology Utilities Oil & Gas Almost 6.2 million U.S. jobs by 2020 +12% Time: 2 minutes (10)
What is Project Management? Time: <1 minute (11)
Project Management… The application of knowledge, skills, and techniques to execute projects effectively and efficiently. Technical Management Time: 3 minutes (14) Project Management is defined as the application of knowledge, skills, and techniques. Let’s take a closer look at what those skills are… Change Management People Management
Project Management Requires… All the skills of a High Performing Leader to complete tasks. Technical Tasks Team Tasks Organizational Tasks Evaluate scope and requirements Create and maintain a project plan Create and manage a project budget Assemble and motivate a project team Identify and set expectations with stakeholders Manage issues and risks Identify and lead change efforts Communicate internally and externally Time: 3 minutes (17)
Technical Management Initiating Define scope and timeline of project Set goals Define necessary resources/team Identify success criteria Initiating Planning Executing Controlling Closing Time: 2 minutes (19)
Technical Management Planning Assemble the team Determine roles and responsibilities Schedule tasks Identify internal and external stakeholders Initiating Planning Executing Controlling Closing Time: 2 minutes (21)
Technical Management Executing Track progress against plan Manage the project constraints of quality, time, and cost Initiating Planning Executing Controlling Closing Time: 2 minutes (23)
Technical Management Controlling Monitor issues and risks Manage schedule and budget Prevent scope creep Initiating Planning Executing Controlling Closing Time: 2 minutes (25)
Technical Management Closing Assure proper implementation and closure Promote continuous learning Identify best practices Initiating Planning Executing Controlling Closing Time: 2 minutes (27)
Best Practices of Technical Management Don’t underestimate the importance of planning Manage the constraints Time: 1 minutes (28)
Spend 25% – 35% in the beginning, Planning Time: 2 minutes (30) Source: Project Management Institute (PMI).
Pick Any Two… Time/ Schedule Quality Cost Time: 3 minutes (33) Project Management is often described as “managing the triple constraints of a project”. Let’s take a look at what this means.
Pick Any Two… + = + = + = Faster Better More Expensive Time Cost Quality Faster Cheaper Lower Quality + = Time: 2 minutes (35) Let’s identify the trade-offs that you make as a Project Manager. Better Cheaper More Time + =
You can make some people happy, all of the time, or all of the people happy some of the time, but you can't make all the people happy, all the time. ” Time: 1 minute (36) So our first rule – you can’t make all people happy all of the time! Jim Kouzes, co-author of The Leadership Challenge.
Best Practices of Team Management Don’t underestimate the importance of building trust Manage team performance Time: 1 minutes (37)
Trust Improves Performance Be honest Take responsibility Admit mistakes Acknowledge weaknesses Follow through Be fair Ask for help Tap into others’ expertise Be unguarded and genuine High Trust ↑ 276% Time: 3 minutes (40) Companies that build high-trust organization make more money over time, pay fewer legal costs, and have more engaged employees and customers. Furthermore, organizations that have been tracking trust for 15 years and are using that data to improve outperform their counterparts by 276%! Source: Building the High-Trust Organization by Pamela S Shockley-Zalabak, Sherwyn Morreale, Michael Hackman
If you don’t believe in the messenger, you won’t believe the message. ” Time: 1 minute (26) So our first rule – if our audience does not believe us, they will not believe anything we tell them or present. Jim Kouzes, co-author of The Leadership Challenge.
Team Performance PROJECT COMPLETION Team Performance Time High Low Time: 3 minutes (43) The line here is a depiction of Bruce Tuckman’s stages of group performance Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing that was first proposed in 1965. Tuckman maintained that these phases are all necessary and inevitable in order for the team to grow, to face up to challenges, to tackle problems, to find solutions, to plan work, and to deliver results. This model has become the basis for subsequent models. In 1977, Tuckman, jointly with Mary Ann Jensen, added a fifth stage to the 4 stages: adjourning, that involves completing the task and breaking up the team. Others call it mourning or even re-forming as the team stays together and moves on to another task or project. Low
Expected Team Performance High DEADLINE Performance Time Time: 1 minute (44) We often think that a team comes together to complete some task, and that over time the team should be steadily progressing towards the final goal. Low
Actual Team Performance High DEADLINE Performance Time Time: 1 minute (45) What is more realistic is that at the beginning there is planning, which takes time. And there is work the team needs to establish norms and processes of working together to be effective so they can execute. Let’s take a closer look at how this happens over time so we understand typical team performance and then we’re going to discuss how this relates to this team. Low
Team Performance 50% Complete DEADLINE Team Performance Time High Low Time: 5 minutes (50) When the team reaches the halfway mark, some expect that the work should be 50% complete. Is this realistic? No! On most projects teams are actually only 25 – 35% complete at the 50% mark. So what happens when we reach 50% and the project is not 50% completed? Low
Best Practices of Organizational Management Don’t underestimate the need to communicate Manage the change AND the project Time: 1 minutes (51)
1 in 5 Projects is Unsuccessful Due to Ineffective Communication Communication is Key 1 in 5 Projects is Unsuccessful Due to Ineffective Communication Create communication plans Communicate more frequently Communicate with more people Tailor communications to different stakeholder groups Unsuccessful Projects Time: 2 minutes (53) Successful Projects ©2013 Project Management Institute, Inc. The Essential Role of Communications, May 2013.
Manage the Change! Start End Start End UNMANAGED CHANGE MANAGED CHANGE Functional Start End UNMANAGED CHANGE Time to Adapt Dysfunctional Dysfunctional Functional End Start MANAGED CHANGE Time to Adapt
Skills for the Future Virtual teams – managing across distances Global teams – communicating with different cultures / languages Business and strategy – aligning projects with strategy
Application Activity Let’s look at the Project Management Planner Time: Whatever time is left Have everyone take a few minutes and look at the Presentation Planner and discuss how they can use it. Or even provide your own guidance and coaching to the group with open Q&A.