Structural Rehabilitation of Large Rotaloc Structural Rehabilitation of Large Diameter Pipelines Product Development SRP Rotaloc
Current Rotaloc PVC profiles Heavy profile section required to achieve stiffness requirements Higher short term stiffness required in order to achieve long term value
Crosshead Profile Composite steel reinforced PVC profile delivered on spools Reduce PVC material content by achieving stiffness requirements from steel Lower short term stiffness required as allowance for long term creep is significantly reduced To be compatible with existing Rotaloc machinery
Benefits Significant savings in direct cost Reduced loss of cross sectional area due to lower height profile Easier winding process due to lower height profile IP position – provides patent protection on profile for Rotaloc Concept to be extended for high stiffness requirements eliminating Rotaloc with rollformed steel Technology can be extended to Expanda profiles
Examples Crosshead Profile PVC Profile 91-20PVC1 No steel 91-21PVC1 91-20PVC1 0.8x15
Development Duration Activity Stage 1 6 months Develop cross head technology to extrude PVC and steel. Stage 2 Develop winding method of crosshead profile