Mass Movements aka Landslides Def: movement of sediment due to GRAVITY.
oladventures/soil/name_soil.html oladventures/soil/name_soil.html
Italy Landslide
Rockfall- boulders
I-40 North Carolina Nov ► nJTi0 nJTi0 nJTi0
AVALANCHE ► Fast movement of snow ► Caused by a weak layer of snow underneath surface ► Usually in Spring ► m/watch?v=B0RWLxO FGLY m/watch?v=B0RWLxO FGLY m/watch?v=B0RWLxO FGLY Avalanche Danger In Colorado At 30 Year High, Says Expert; 6 Fatalities So Far This Season
documents/accidents/US_avalanche_ fatalities_by_user_group_by_year_ XXX.pdf documents/accidents/US_avalanche_ fatalities_by_user_group_by_year_ XXX.pdf
Mudflow/Mudslide ► Mudflow- clay mixed with water ► Usually in spring- snowmelt
Mudflow Oso, Washington 2014 ► XScw8 play first 7 minutes XScw8 XScw8 ► Worst landslide disaster in US history ► 48 died
Lahar- volcanic ash and water MT ST HELENS
SLUMP ► Saturation of water + loss of friction causes soil below surface layer to drop downhill. ► Surface stays intact
Bingham Copper Mine, Utah april 12, 2013
slump ► tX5nk&feature=player_detailpage tX5nk&feature=player_detailpage tX5nk&feature=player_detailpage
CREEP ► SLOW movement of soil ► Causes tilting of objects ► Usually soil ► Result of freeze/thaw
SOLIFLUCTION ► IN ARTIC CLIMATES ► In spring when top layer melts, moves slowly over permafrost
Factors influencing Mass Movement ► 1. Amount of moisture More adds weight and makes slippery ► 2. angle of slope ► 3. lack of vegetation Roots hold back movement ► 4. rock type Sedimentary worst ► 5. Roundness of particle Rounder move faster
Causes of landslides ► Vwmfk Vwmfk Vwmfk
2015 Mass movements ear= ear=2015
Laguna Beach 2005
Philippines Feb dead
Sleeping bear dunes 1995
Prevention methods ► Fences/walls Temporary fix Gravity will win eventually!
Prevention methods ► Leave enough space!
Prevention methods ► Leave enough space!
Prevention methods ► Plant vegetation ► Roots act as anchors
Prevention methods ► Provide good drainage- excellent way!
Prevention methods ► Provide good drainage