Patrol Models
Directed patrols Uses statistics to determine high crime area Officers or special units are put into areas to work Officers or units are often time/place specific Officers work for a period of time and then re- evaluated
Random patrol Also called preventive patrol Seeks to deter crime by systematically random Tries to deter crime putting into criminal’s mind that police can show up anywhere at anytime Statistics show that random patrol is not usually very effective in preventing crimee.
Aggressive patrol Puts lots of officers into a small area. Officers stop and arrest for even the smallest infractions Many citizen/police contacts are made Usually generates many police complaints, but crime goes down, too.
Specialized patrols Officers look for a particular type of offense Examples would be DUI task force or marijuana air patrol Officers typically do not look for other offenders Will only respond to other calls if there is an emergency
Uniform patrol Makes up the bulk of most all departments in terms of man power and budget Is concerned with the day to day business of the police. Works all kinds of calls the public generates Spends a large amount of time on non-police matters.
Foot patrol Used in high density areas High frequency of public contact, most of it is good. Limited area to cover Has been shown to reduce crime in a small area
Bicycle patrol Can cover more ground than foot patrol with about the same level of public contact Is cost effective Also used in high density urban areas Limited by weather, traffic, time of day
Air patrol Can be fixed wing or rotor wing Very expensive Necessary to cover big areas Used for search and rescue Used for marijuana enforcement