 European powers considered retaking control of the former colonies in the Americas  American lawmakers wanted to deter foreign countries from taking.


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Presentation transcript:

 European powers considered retaking control of the former colonies in the Americas  American lawmakers wanted to deter foreign countries from taking lands that U.S may someday claim  Example: Pacific Northwest

 Stated U.S would view any attempts to further colonize the Americas as “dangerous to our peace and safety”.  December 2, 1823  Also said U.S would not “interfere in the internal concerns” of Europe  What does this mean?

 Americans were slowly developing their own unique culture  What can we define as part of culture?  Does the culture developed then still influence the way Americans live today?

 French philosopher  “America is a land of wonders, in which everything is in constant motion and every change seems an improvement”  Americans no longer imitating European cultures like before

 Before 1800 American artists and writers were paid little respect  Why was this true?  1825 Thomas Cole helped establish Hudson River school  A group of artists whose landscapes both depicted and celebrated the American countryside

 American authors gained respect in early 1800s  Washington Irving, James Fenimore Cooper and William Cullen Bryant  Proved Americans could create literature and that people on both sides of the Atlantic would respect American works

 Americans had unique version of the English language  1828 new American English was published by Noah Webster in Dictionary  It defined thousands of words that have never been included in dictionary before  Why is this important?

 The belief that the interests of the nation as a whole are more important than regional interests or the interests of other countries  This spirit replaced the tendency toward Sectionalism- the belief that one’s own region of the country is more important than the whole

 At what times in our history have we been more inclined to be more nationalistic or lean more towards sectionalism?  Which one is “better” for our country?  Pros/Cons for each?

 Chief Justice of Supreme Court from  Firm believer in strong national gov.  His court made two key rulings that reflected growing feelings of nationalism and promoted it by strengthening the national government

 McCulloch v. Maryland  1819 pitted the state of Maryland against the national government  John Marshall sided with national gov.  National Interests to be put above states

 case involved cutting-edge transportation technology: steamboats  Rival steamboat companies operating in New York  Aaron Ogden got permission from N.Y to run his business. Thomas Gibbons had license from national gov. to run his  Who do you think Marshall ruled with?

UNIFY YOUNG NATION  Tariff to protect American industries  Sale of gov. lands to raise money for national gov.  Maintenance of national bank  Government funding of internal improvements or public projects like roads and canals HENRY CLAY

 It was never implemented as a unified policy  However government did establish tariffs and a bank  Shows how nationalist feelings and desire to bring country together were on minds of Americans at this time

 Americans were proud of their victory in War of 1812  Beginning of so called “Era of good feelings”  James Monroe- Elected president in 1816  Served 2 terms ( )  Under Monroe, economy grew rapidly and feeling of nationalism and optimism prevailed

JAMES MONROERUSH-BAGOT TREATY  In 1818, signed with Britain  Provided for near complete disarmament of eastern part of border between U.S and British-Canada  Convinced Britain to draw western part of border between U.S and Canada along 49 th parallel

 1819 Secretary of State John Quincy Adams reached agreement with Spain  U.S acquired Florida and established boundary between Louisiana territory and Spanish territory to the west  Adams even convinced Spain and Russia to give up their claims to disputed Oregon Country and allow settlers to travel to Oregon

 Nationalism also inspired by rapid growth of American settlement  By 1818 settlers spread beyond Mississippi River into Missouri, most from South  1 in 6 settlers were enslaved African- Americans

 When they applied to join the Union, it caused an uproar  1819 there were 22 states in Union  Slavery was legal in half, illegal in other half  Equal balance gave equal representation in U.S Senate  What would happen if a slave state was admitted?

 1820 Missouri was admitted as a slave state  Maine was admitted as a free state  Thus the balance was preserved  Agreement also banned slavery in northern part of Louisiana Territory.  Kept the balance of slave and free states  However feelings of sectionalism in North and South were beginning to emerge