Crime & Punishment (1) To describe the causes of crime To explain Christian views of crime To evaluate the impact of crime on society 1.From the list below, sort & write out 2 examples of causes of crime for each of the 3 headings: Economic, Family Social/ Environmental 2.Why would family problems lead to crime? 3.Why would social problems lead to crime? **Do people have a choice about whether they commit crime? Give 2 reasons for your point of view. Poverty due to lack of income Lack of education leading to lack of job opportunities Lack of support from families Not knowing how to get help for serious problems Feeling left out of society Addiction to drugs or alcohols leading to impulsive behaviour Unemployment in the area A drug culture in the area Gang culture Bad parenting – grow up aggressive and impulsive, lack of role models Violence in the family make violence to others seem normal
Christian views on crime: it’s not just about economics/ family/ social reasons – it’s about being bad! 1.Moral freedom: we are all morally free. However messed up you are, you can still choose right or wrong. 2.Original sin: everybody has an attraction towards sin/ doing evil. We are born with the desire to do wrong, whatever the economics/ family/ social influences there might be. 3.Temptation: the devil is a spiritual reality that tempts people eg it helps them to find excuses to sin. 1.What do Christians say leads to crime? Explain 3 things. 2.What do you think better explains why there is crime – “causes” of crime, or Christians’ reasons? 3.What are some Christian teachings against crime? (bible, Jesus teaching, Jesus example) **Does knowing God’s law mean that a Christian would not turn to crime?
Why Punish?
What would happen if we didn’t punish criminals?
Aims of Punishment 4 reasons why crime is punished Retribution – Reform deteR pRotect – getting revenge on the criminal putting off would-be criminals keeping people safe at night by locking them up change criminals to behave differently/ give them skills in prison 1.Write out the 4 aims of punishment 2.The Old Testament said “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” – which of the aims of punishment do you think this was? **Which aim of punishment do you think Jesus would/ would not agree with? Why?
4 aims of punishment?? Retribution Reform deteR pRotect
Jesus’ view A.Jesus said, “Offer the evil man no resistance. If someone slaps you on one cheek, offer him the other as well”. What do you think Jesus was trying to tell people about punishment? B.Jesus said: “In the same way as you judge others, you will be judged” What do you think Jesus was trying to teach people? C.When Peter asked Jesus should he forgive his brother as many as 7 times? Jesus answered, not 7 but 77 times. What do you think he was trying to teach Peter? In your pair, discuss the statements. 1.Write out the 3 quotes & explain what the quote is saying – match to the correct answer. 2.Which of these would Jesus NOT agree with & why (refer to one of the quotes): retribution/ protection/ deterrence/ reformation ? **Do you agree with Jesus’ view? Why? Jesus told his disciples to be an example of goodness to evil doers and be non-violent towards them. Jesus taught that we are all sinners, so we don’t have the right to punish others He emphasised unlimited forgiveness over revenge
What do you think about Jesus’ approach to crime and punishment? we are all sinners, so we don’t have the right to punish others unlimited forgiveness over revenge Be an example of goodness to evil doers
Dilemmas Sometimes, Christians can find themselves challenging the Law – if they think that Law is immoral. – not being willing to perform abortions, if they are a nurse or doctor – Refusing to accept gay couples if they run a B&B – not paying taxes, if the government is using the money to build nuclear weapons Is this committing crime?