N A T I O N A L N U C L E A R S E C U R I T Y A D M I N I S T R A T I O N O F F I C E O F D E F E N S E P R O G R A M S Fusion Ignition and Stockpile Stewardship.


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Presentation transcript:

N A T I O N A L N U C L E A R S E C U R I T Y A D M I N I S T R A T I O N O F F I C E O F D E F E N S E P R O G R A M S Fusion Ignition and Stockpile Stewardship Presentation to: Fusion Power Associates Annual Meeting “Fusion Energy: Expectations” Dr. Donald Cook Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs National Nuclear Security Administration 15 December 2011

2 Overview National strategic policy for nuclear weapons Requirements resulting from 2010 Nuclear Posture Review Logical structure connecting policy to programs and campaigns Weapon Life Extension Program (LEP) planning requirements and structure Enabling Tools Predictive Capability Framework (PCF) Component Maturation Framework (CMF) Role and application of Stewardship tools Role and application of Fusion Ignition and Burn in Stockpile Stewardship

3 National Strategic Policy for Nuclear Weapons has been clearly formulated “In order to sustain a safe, secure, and effective U.S. nuclear stockpile as long as nuclear weapons exist, the United States must possess a modern physical infrastructure – comprised of the national security laboratories and a complex of supporting facilities – and a highly capable workforce with the specialized skills needed to sustain the nuclear deterrent and support the President’s nuclear security agenda.” Department of Defense, “Nuclear Posture Review”, April “ The United States will take concrete steps towards a world without nuclear weapons... Make no mistake: As long as these weapons exist, the United States will maintain a safe, secure and effective arsenal to deter any adversary, and guarantee that defense to our allies...” President Obama, April 5, 2009 Prague, Czech Republic

4 National Strategic Policy for Nuclear Weapons has been clearly formulated The NPR stated the following as priorities, among others: “…providing annual stockpile assessments through weapons surveillance.” “…funding fully the ongoing LEP for the W76 submarine-based warhead and the LEP study and follow-on activities for the B61 bomb…” “…initiating a study of LEP options for the W78 ICBM warhead, including the possibility of using the resulting warhead also on SLBMs to reduce the number of warhead types…” “…the science, technology and engineering base, vital for stockpile stewardship as well as providing insights for non-proliferation, must be strengthened…” Department of Defense, “Nuclear Posture Review”, April 2010

5 PCF and CMF define a systematic array of deliverables in response to stockpile / deterrence requirements PCF and CMF provide a smooth link between key requirements and Program / Campaign activity Strong interaction between PCF, CMF and stockpile modernization requirements provide a strong foundation for the SSMP National Policy And Strategic Planning Fundamental Source Documents – set weapons requirements e.g. LEP Plans ; Primary Certification Plan Programs and Campaigns Implementation PCF LEP 6X Process CMF Definition / schedule of major tasks The Predictive Capability Framework (PCF) and Component Maturation Framework (CMF) have become general tools in Defense Programs Planning

6 LEP Planning Framework Programmatic and Technical Source Requirements Life Extension Options Engineering, Readiness, Stockpile Services (Development/Production) Science, ASC, ICF, Advanced Certification, Engineering Production Readiness/ RTBF CMF PCF Stockpile Modernization Requirements and Drivers Prioritizing and Planning Investment Decision Technology Development, Certification, and Component Maturation Technology Down- Select and Stockpile Insertion Stockpile Services and Systems (Advanced Architecture)

7 The Predictive Capability Framework (PCF) Provides a Roadmap for Science Advances

8 The Component Maturation Framework (CMF) provides a roadmap for stockpile technology development and insertion

9 Flow of Science and Technology Deliverables to the LEP process Phase 6.2/2A Feasibility and Cost Study Phase 6.4 Production Engineering Phase 6.3 Development Engineering Phase 6.5 FPU Phase 6.6 Full Rate Production Phase 6.1Study SSMP-PCF, CMF Refurbishment options analyzed (PCF) Determination of component lifetimes (CMF) CMF Component technology and manufacturing development Integration between DAs, PAs, and FPMs PCF Certification and qualification activities Models and simulations of all aspects of weapon performance Supplies computational tools and data to the CMF Phase 6.x Acronyms DA=Design Agency FPM=Federal Program Manager PA=Production Agency Acronyms DA=Design Agency FPM=Federal Program Manager PA=Production Agency

10 After the explosive phase, weapons rapidly evolve into the HED and plasma regimes (UGTs, sub-crits, DARHT, JASPER, etc) HE phase High explosive creates supercritical assembly Primary phase Super-critical assembly Primary energy production Pre-nuclear phase Energy transfer X-rays transfer energy from primary to secondary Secondary phase Secondary produces energy, explosion and radiation Nuclear Phase (UGTs NIF and, Z) Weapons operation proceeds through the conditions of planetary interiors, to stellar interiors

11 The Predictive Capability Framework (PCF) Provides a Roadmap for Science Advances

12  Implementation of the 2010 Nuclear Posture Review is being pursued aggressively. The results show in an increased focus on support for the New Start treaty, nuclear non-proliferation, weapon life extension programs, infrastructure investments, and weapon dismantlements.  The Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan provides a roadmap for the advanced science and technology development required to maintain the safety, security and reliability of the stockpile. Conclusions