Kevin Workman CSC /04/12
Week 7 and 8 Internet regulation is basically restricting access to certain information. Examples of Internet regulation are domain registration and IP address control. Internet governance is the creation of shared principles, rules, decision- making procedures, and programs that shape the productivity and use of the internet. Electronic Data Exchange is a technology that uses software translators to trade information between two computer systems. People exchanging data agree to use the standard data formats and program their computers to audit documents, transmit them electronically to one another, and notify senders of received documents. An IP address or Internet Protocol address is a label that is assigned to each computer participating in a network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.
Week 9 and 10 Internet Protocol Version 6 or Ipv6 is the newest version of the Internet Protocol. It is designed to replace Ipv4, that has been in use since Net Neutrality is the idea that puts government regulation on Internet service providers from restricting consumer’s access from access to networks on the internet. Windows 8 is the newest release of the windows operating system made by Microsoft. It was released on October 26, Windows 8 was made to compete with Apples popular Apps and focuses on smart phone and tablet integration. Autonomous System Numbers or ASN’s are a number used to view the routing policy of a particular Internet Service Provider. Every ISP only receives one.
Week 11, 12, and 13 Internet Privacy is the right of personal privacy of storing, sending, or displaying personal information on the internet. Many experts believe that this privacy no longer exists. Border Gateway Protocol or BGP is the protocol that makes core routing decisions on the Internet. It was created to replace Exterior gateway protocol and it allowed the internet to be a fully decentralized system. Spam is the use of systems that sends mostly advertising messages indiscriminately to as many people as possible. Massive Open Online Course is a online course targeted for large groups to take from their homes. Many online Colleges have formed using MOOCs. Internet Security is a system of security just for the internet like browser or network security. Puts up things like firewalls that block pop ups and helps deter phishing. Internet Standards are created by Internet Engineering Task Force as a specification of technology that applies to the internet. To become a standard you must go through two processes called Internet standardization and Proposed standardization
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