I can order decimal numbers up to three decimal places (4a)
Put these decimals in ascending order (smallest to largest):
5.6, 5.607, 5.67, 57.86, 57.87, 578.6
Put these decimals in descending order (largest to smallest):
510.2, 502.1, 51.20, 5.2, 5.102, 5.10
Put these decimals in ascending order (smallest to largest):
1.146, 1.16, 1.614, 11.46, 41.16, 114.6
Put these decimals in descending order (largest to smallest):
983.4, 948.3, 943.8, 98.34, 9.834, 9.83
Put these decimals in ascending order (smallest to largest):
72.203, 72.3, 72.39, 72.93, 723.9, 729.3
Put these decimals in descending order (largest to smallest):
776.6, 767.6, 76.76, , 7.766, 0.776
Put these decimals in descending order (largest to smallest):
120.05, 102.5, , 10.25, 10.2, 1.025
Put these decimals in ascending order (smallest to largest):
47.506, 47.6, 47.65, 457.6, 574.6,