The Plan You choose the premium amount and 500% of that is given as sum assured. Part of the premium paid is adjusted towards mortality charges. The rest can be invested in an investment plan chosen by you Entry into the plan will be based on the units allotted to you on the policy issue date, as per the unit value on that date.
The Benefits This plan provides you with the flexibility of withdrawals whenever you require them. The plan allows a maximum of 5 withdrawals, as a % of the accumulated value, the amounts of which are as follows: This flexibility can be availed any time after 5 years. However the withdrawals will be limited to once every year. At the end of the premium paying term the remaining value will be paid out as maturity benefits. WithdrawalAmount of withdrawal 1 st withdrawalUpto 20% 2 nd withdrawalUpto 25% 3 rd withdrawalUpto 30% 4 th withdrawalUpto 35% 5 th withdrawalUpto 40%
Flexible Options Choose your investment portfolio Maximiser (Growth): If high growth is your priority, this is the plan Protector (Income): If your priority is steady returns with moderate risk, you can opt for this plan Balancer (Balanced): If you prefer a balance of growth and steady returns, choose our Balancer plan Preserver: The objective of the plan is to ensure capital protection by investing in very low risk investments like cash and call money markets. At inception, investments upto 20% can be allocated to this fund. Change in Investment Plan Switch between the various investment plan options, absolutely free, 4 times every year. Minimum switch amount is Rs. 10,000.
Added Benefits Top – Up Invest surplus amounts for your child. Minimum top-up of Rs. 5,000/- Development Allowance For a nominal additional amount, SmartKid guarantees regular income to secure your child’s educational career. The Income Benefit Rider takes care of this through an annual payment of 10% of sum assured, to your child, till maturity of the rider.
Liquidity Surrender Value Surrender would be available after the payment of the single premium. The surrender value schedule is as given below: Policy Year of the PolicySurrender Value of the Policy During the 1 st policy year95% of the value of investments During the 2 nd policy year96% of the value of investments During the 3 rd policy year97% of the value of investments From 4 th policy year onwards100% of the value of investment.
Riders Added protection to your family against any unfortunate eventualities. Income Benefit Rider Accident and Disability Benefit Rider
Eligibility Parent’s age : 20 – 50 years Child’s age : 0 – 15 years Maturity age of child : 22 – 25 years Minimum sum assured : Rs. 2,50,000 Maximum age of parent at maturity: 60 years Term : 10 – 25 years Minimum Premium : Rs. 50,000 p.a.
Charge structure Premium Allocation Contribution Range1 st Yr. Allocation 50,000-99,99995% 1,00,000-4,99,99997% 5,00,000 & above98%
Charge structure Fund Management charges These are levied as a % of the asset under management. They are adjusted in the NAV MaximizerProtectorBalancerPreserver 1.50%0.75%1.00%0.75%
Other charges Mortality charges towards the sum assured are on a one year renewable basis Fixed administrative charge of Rs. 20 per month, deducted by cancellation of units monthly. Top allocation is 99% 4 free switches in a policy year. Any additional switch will be charged Rs. 100 extra.
Underwriting Guidelines