Do you face these objections from clients? Why only % of my 1st year premium is invested ?? Is there any Guarantee ??? It’s my money, why should I pay Surrender Charge ? Too complex to fill the proposal form
Future Guarantee Advantage Utilizes 78% your 1 st year premium towards Guaranteed Maturity Additions Guaranteed Maturity Additions upto 165% of 1 st Year Premium for Term 20 years ‘Zero’ Surrender Charge after 5 years 1 Page application form for ‘Simple’ Joining Process
How Does Guarantee Advantage Work? 1 st Year Premium Second Year Premium Onwards 78% used to provide Guaranteed Addition at Maturity Allocated to fund post deducting allocation charges 60% for 10 Yr Term MATURITYMATURITY Money Grows More Contribution Through Top Ups Savings & Protection Natural Death: Sum Assured + Fund Value + Guaranteed Addition (if death happens after 8 years) Accidental Death: 3 times Sum Assured + Fund Value + Guaranteed Addition (if death happens after 8 years) ENHANCED DEATH BENEFIT 110% for 15 Yr Term 165% for 20 Yr Term 22% allocated to Fund
Features : Age & Term Entry Age0 to 50 years Maximum Maturity Age70 years (as on last birthday) Term20 years Surrender ChargeNil after 5 years Minimum Premium10,000 Minimum Sum Assured5 times of annualized premium Maximum Sum AssuredRs. 5 lakh upto Age 50 Age ProofStandard age proof & Non – Standard age proof Premium ModeYearly, throughout the policy term Switches6 free switches every policy year Tax BenefitU/s 80C & 10(10D)
What can you expect out of your 1 st premium
How much returns our funds have provided Returns calculated on Dec 31, 2009
Sum Assured Multiples Standard Age ProofNon Standard Age Proof AGE Max Sum Assured Max Sum Assured Multiple Min Sum Assured Multiple Max Sum Assured Multiple Min Sum Assured Multiple ,00, ,00, ,00, Major Students (18 – 25 yrs): Insurance cover upto Rs. 5 lakhs can be granted without insisting on parents insurance cover Self-employed female life unable to provide income proof / Housewife: Insurance cover up to Rs. 5 lakhs can be granted without insisting on husbands’ insurance
Premium Allocation Guaranteed Addition at maturity will be available at the date of maturity along with Fund Value Policy Term (in yrs) GA at Maturity as % of 1 st Year Annual Premium 60%110%165% Illustrated GA for Rs. 10,000 AP* (in Rs.) 6,00011,00016,500 1 st Year22% 2 nd & 3 rd Year92% 4 th to 10 th Year98% 11 th Year onwards100% Guaranteed Addition available if 1 st 5 premiums are paid and policy continues till 10 th, 15 th, or 20 th year. Premium taken as 10,000 for illustration purpose only
Maturity Benefit Fund Value as on the date of Maturity plus the guaranteed maturity additions Under Settlement Option, the maturity benefit may be taken in lump sum or installments spread over a period of up to five years from the date of maturity
Risk Commencement Date The Date of Commencement of Risk would be the date of issue of first premium receipt If life assured is a minor under age at issue below 10 years, risk under the policy will commence from the later of –The policy anniversary falling after life assured attains 10 years of age, or –2 policy years after commencement of the policy No accidental benefit is payable if the life assured is a minor at the time of death under the policy
Death Benefit Natural Death: Sum Assured + Fund Value Accidental Death: 3 Times Sum Assured + Fund Value In case of death after 8 years from the date of commencement and premiums have been paid for atleast 5 full years, ‘Guaranteed Loyalty Additions’ will also be payable
Full Withdrawal / Surrender
Partial Withdrawal Partial withdrawals can be made after 3 full policy yrs provided life assured / proposer is alive 1 partial withdrawal is allowed per policy year free of charge provided after the withdrawal, Fund Value is greater than at least one year’s annualized premium. Maximum amount that can be withdrawn is 10% of Fund Value Partial withdrawal not allowed in last 5 policy years
Revival The policy may be revived for full benefits within 2 years from the date of the 1 st unpaid premium and before the date of maturity while the life assured is still alive The reinstatement will be effected on the company’s discretion and subject to such conditions as the company in its discretion may decide. A lapsed policy shall continue to participate in the investment returns for the existing Fund Value. However, on revival, the investment return will be applicable on prorate basis for the month in which premiums are received.
Charges Fund Management Charges (calculated on daily basis from the fund value before calculation of the NAV) Fund management charge (% p.a.) Future Balance Fund1.25% FMC are deducted on a daily basis at 1/365 th of the annual charge in determining the unit price Policy Administration Charge: 1st year: Rs 480 per annum 2nd year onwards: Rs 720 per annum
Charges Miscellane ous Charge This charge is levied for any alterations within the contract, such as, premium mode etc. The charge is expressed as a flat amount levied by cancellation of units This charge is levied only at the time of alteration and is equal to Rs.250 per alteration All the above charges will be subject to a service tax 12.36%
Reasons to Invest in Guarantee Advantage Guaranteed Addition upto 165% of your 1 st year premium at maturity 3 times sum assured + Fund Value + Guaranteed Loyalty Additions Assured benefits to enhance your fund value Low charges Maximum protection for your loved ones Excitement of investment with protection of insurance Simplified non-medical plan Tax Benefits U/S 80C & 10(10D)
Hassle Free Issuance Fill in the Application Form Submit the following documents : –Age Proof –Address Proof –Identity Proof Pay by Demand Draft in favour of “Future Generali India Life Insurance Co. Ltd.” / “FGI Life Insurance” payable at Chennai Take Away the Policy Simplified Application Form
Your Assured Future with Future Guarantee Advantage