Introduction to BREEAM Invest Northern Ireland Colin King
Contents What makes a sustainable building? Credit examples BREEAM aims How BREEAM works BREEAM growth Welcome to BREEAM Offices half day seminar. Today we are going to take you through: Details of what BREEAM is and it’s aims. We will then go through a workshop which will allow you to understand the technical issues that BREEAM addresses within the scheme This will give you more of an understanding to carry out a Pre Assessment Estimator exercise – which is a simplified pre BREEAM assessment We will then take you through some aspects of the assessment process – fees, statistics of number of assessors, costs of assessments and how to achieve a higher BREEAM rating. We are often asked what are the increase in captial costs to build a sustainable building and we will take you through a piece of research we carried out looking at offices, a house and PFI health centre. Finally we will go through an exemplar school case study highlighting some of the issues that BREEAM awards credits.
Global environmental issues?
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Local Issues?
Local issues Pictures missing
BREEAM Issue Categories Management Energy Water Land Use & Ecology Health & Wellbeing Transport Materials Pollution These are the eight categories we address within BREEAM and we will go into more detail about what credits are assessed within each section.
Examples of actual credits in 2 categories Health and Wellbeing Energy
Health and Wellbeing Typically 60m² per 30 children Very high occupancy density Typically 60m² per 30 children Learning Environment Use of computers and other ICT equipment Easily distracted users “Stop staring out of that window!” “Noisy” rooms with quiet rooms adjacent Acoustic design requirements
Health & Wellbeing – BREEAM Offices HW01 Daylighting HW02 View Out HW03 Glare Control HW04 High Frequency Lighting HW05 Internal and External Lighting Levels HW06 Lighting Zones People spend on average 90% of their time in buildings Major contribution to quality of life
Health & Wellbeing – BREEAM Offices HW08 Potential for Natural Ventilation HW09 Internal Air Pollution HW11 Ventilation Rates HW12 Smoking Policy HW14 Thermal Comfort People spend on average 90% of their time in buildings Major contribution to quality of life
Health & Wellbeing – BREEAM Offices HW15 Thermal Zoning HW16 Microbial Contamination HW17 Acoustic Performance HW20 Carpet Cleaning HW21 Occupant Satisfaction Feedback HW22 Occupant Satisfaction Targeting People spend on average 90% of their time in buildings Major contribution to quality of life
Energy UK schools spend more on energy than on books – Carbon Trust Lighting accounts for 28% of all energy costs in schools – Carbon Trust GPG 259
Energy – BREEAM Offices E01 Reduction of CO2 Emissions E02 Sub-metering of Substantial Energy E03 Sub metering of areas/tenancy E04 External Lighting
Energy – BREEAM Offices E06 Maintenance Procedures E07 Energy Policy E08 Energy/CO2 Monitoring, Targeting and Reduction E09 Energy Information Desemination
BREEAM - Scoring Management Health and Wellbeing Energy Transport Water Materials Land Use Ecology Pollution Assessment Credits Environmental Weightings Single Score Issue Category Scores BREEAM Score PASS GOOD VERY GOOD EXCELLENT
Environmental Weightings BREEAM - Weightings Management Health & W’being Energy Transport Water Materials Land Use Ecology Pollution 15 25 5 10 Environmental Weightings Each section has a weighting factor applied to it. These were derived through consensus based research with a number of different groups and organisations – government bodies, manufacturers, green lobbyists etc. This gives it a sense of importance to each issue – therefore you can see Energy and Transport were considered the most important issues because of the CO2 implications associated with them. At the time water wasn’t considered as important however today we are constantly provided with information to the contrary – droughts and floods appear to be a major problem within the UK. In line with the update of the GREEN Guide to Specification this exercise will be carried out again to establish the current importance of each issue.
What is BREEAM? Environmental Assessment Method Certification scheme Voluntary Independent & credible Holistic Customer focussed Credits based BREEAM is the Building Research Establishments Environmental Assessment Method. It is a certification scheme, therefore once an assessment has been carried out and passed our quality assurance process a certificate is issued. We have now achieved compliance with UKAS and ISO9001, we will go through more information on this later. The scheme is voluntary, however more organisations and government bodies are specifying BREEAM as with English Partnerships, Housing Association, DfES (we will talk more about this later) and soon possibly Code for Sustainable Homes. The scheme is independent in that we train assessors who then purchase a license to carry out assessments on behalf of BRE. We ensure it is credible by consulting with various technical experts, our assessors and an independent sustainability board. The assessment is holistic, it addresses a number of issues on the sustainability agenda, not just energy and carries weightings associated with the importance – we will go into more detail about this later. The scheme is customer focused – assessors provide feedback to us from the industry on how to improve the scheme and what direction it should take. The assessment is a credits based system.
Aims Improve environmental performance of buildings Improve internal environment for occupants Within BREEAM we are aiming to improve the overall environmental performance of buildings – in terms of energy, embodied energy, pollution, water etc. However it is important to understand that the occupants using the building enjoy using the space and perform well within it – it is all very well having an environmentally efficient building but it needs to be well daylight, ventilated and thermally comfortable etc.
Mass market Number of buildings BREEAM Environmental Standards Regulatory minimum Minimal BREEAM Aspirational This diagram gives an indication as to what BREEAM is trying to do with buildings in terms of environmental benchmarks. We have the number of buildings on the Y axis and the environmental standards on the X axis. As we can see they are continually being pushed. Environmental standards are increasing with Building Regulations which is the regulatory minimum and as we can see from the diagram the number of buildings being built are only just achieving this level. What BREEAM is trying to do is move the mass market, the majority of buildings, towards achieving more sustainable and efficient buildings – rather than focus on improving the minority exemplar buildings. Environmental Standards
Which building types can be assessed? What is BREEAM? Which building types can be assessed? Offices Homes Shopping Malls Light Industrial Buildings Schools Prison House Blocks Job Centres Health Buildings Heavy Industrial Buildings Sports Facilities Crown Courts Garden Sheds
Types of BREEAM Assessments Scheme D&P PCR M&O Fit Out Offices Schools Retail Industrial Bespoke
Examples Both Design and Procurement New build and refurbishment Management and Operation Existing buildings in operation Examples Construction impacts Brownfield site Policies EMS Examples Location Building fabric Services Both
Assessment Process BRE structure Assessment Process Annual Review process Exemplar building – case study Putting a Price on Sustainability
Assessment Process Issue Certificate Independent Licensed Assessors Builder, Developer, Owner, Occupier Consensus Standard Quality Control Formal Assessment Pre BREEAM Advice Quality Control There is therefore a clear distinction between the role of the assessors and the role of BRE. We work with clients in a marketing role and looking for them to address BREEAM and we set the standards – criteria and benchmarks. We train assessors to carry out assessments for us they will provide consultancy advice and the assessment and we will quality control this and issue a final certificate to show the final BREEAM rating. Issue Certificate
Assessment Process Require BREEAM Assessment Employ BREEAM licensed assessor BREEAM Consultancy Assessment Registered Information Gathering / Meeting Draft Report Final Report BRE QA Check BREEAM Certificate Issued
Annual review process Each scheme is reviewed annually Currently ‘2006’ version Review process drivers Building Regulations Change in legislation Industry best practice Change in common practice Therefore a 2006 VERY GOOD is a higher standard than a 2005 VERY GOOD rating.
Cost of sustainability ‘Putting a price on sustainability’ BRE Trust (BRE & Cyril Sweett), 2005 Covers : Housing Naturally ventilated office Air conditioned office PFI health centre Capital cost implications of achieving the different BREEAM / EcoHomes ratings Available from BRE bookshop £9 / £22.50
Results – worst case scenarios % Increase in capital cost to achieve a BREEAM rating: Location Pass Good Very Good Excellent Poor upto 0.1% upto 0.9% upto 5.7% - Typical 0% upto 0.4% upto 1.7% upto 7% upto 1.3% upto 4.2% This study looked at the worst case scenario for each location. Compared three locations: poor-bad transport links and greenfield site – achieve no transport and LU&E credits, typical scored some and Good location scored all site specific credits. As we can see the increase in capital costs in a poor location is up to 5.7% to achieve a Very Good rating. Therefore you can still achieve the requirements set by DfES in a worst case location for small extra costs. Excellent couldn’t be costed as this included credits that were site specific and could not be allocated a general cost such as recycled aggregate. Why did DfES not ask for Excellent? Because there was no increase to the allowed cost per square metre for new schools, that BRE advised DfES to require a “VERY GOOD” rating rather than the “EXCELLENT” standard set by the OGC. From the schools used to pilot BREEAM Schools it was felt that achieving a “VERY GOOD” rating would be possible within the current budget constraints of £1050/m2. It was also felt that this would allow schools such as St Francis of Assisi (with a sustainability specialism) to demonstrate their environmental credentials by exceeding the required minimum level of “VERY GOOD”. BUT It is worth noting the earlier in the design process that BREEAM is considered, the easier and cheaper it will be to get a higher BREEAM rating and therefore achieve an Excellent rating and a more sustainable school. ‘Putting a price on sustainability’
Growth of BREEAM Growth
BREEAM Awards Response to request from assessors and clients Presented at BRE annual conference Awards in each scheme Highest performing building We’ve also introduced the BREEAM awards this year. This is partly in response to the comment that there is no incentive for people to go just beyond the 70% for an excellent rating, but also to raise the BREEAM profile, and also the profile of high performing buildings. Thereby demonstrating and rewarding excellence. There are awards in each BREEAM version, and they are simply awarded based on the highest BREEAM score. The awards will be presented annually at the BRE conference and you can see last years winners in the photograph here, (a couple of the winners are also shown on the next slide.)
Offices Winner - Scottish National Heritage HQ Overview Occupant control for lighting, heating and ventilation Proximity detection for the water supply to all urinals and WCs Enhancement of the ecological value of the site Extensive use of FSC certified timber Re-use of a site that was previously contaminated These are two of the winners
Who is specifying BREEAM and EcoHomes? English Partnerships ‘VERY GOOD’ and ‘EXCELLENT’ Office of Government Commerce (OGC) ‘EXCELLENT’ (new buildings from March 2003) Housing Corporation EcoHomes ‘VERY GOOD’ from April 2006 Welsh Assembly Government EcoHomes GOOD from May 2006 for all social housing ‘VERY GOOD’ on all land sold by WA ‘EXCELLENT’ for high profile developments Specifiers – self explanatory?
Who is specifying BREEAM and EcoHomes? Local Authorities Oxford Ashford Buckinghamshire Brighton Others? Regional Development Agencies Private Developers Main drivers are planning process and the social housing sector NGO’s WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) One Million Sustainable Homes (OMSH) Campaigning for at least EcoHomes ‘VERY GOOD’ to be set as the CSB standard Again self explanatory, although Local authorities this is just a small list, we know others are interested and working to specify BREEAM in different ways, we are forming a LA group to understand how BRE can better help them specify BREEAM to meet their needs.
More information EcoHomes and BREEAM Offices Email : Phone : 01923 664 462 Post : BRE, Garston, Watford, WD25 9XX