ReformsTargetMilestones / Activities achieved, since start of JNNURM e-Governance Property Tax Accounting Water Supply & other utilities. Birth/Death registration. MEDD done GIS under progress. 80% of work completed. Mapping 100%. Double entry accrual accounting system adopted from Financial statements generated. Computerized. Spot billing introduced. Computerized. Birth & Death Data from 1991 to 2007 has been posted on web. Birth & Death data from 1947 to 1990 computerized. 9 Birth & registration units at Zonal Offices in addition to 1 at Head Office. They are networked with the main server. certificate issued with in 2min. Action initiated for online registration from hospitals. Reform Implementation
e-Governance Citizen Grievance Monitoring Building Plan approval. Licenses Project/Ward works Store inventory Others Computerized. SMS based PGR introduced. Automatic escalation of complaints to the senior officers if they are not attended. Issue of license to the residential buildings computerized. licenses are issued on the very day of the receipt of application Computerized. Renewals are done on the very day of the receipt of application. Software under development and will be put into use by Pay roll computerized.
ReformsTargetMilestones / Activities achieved, since start of JNNURM Accounting Full migration to Double Entry Accrual Accounting system from Assets and liabilities valued. Opening balance sheet arrived. Financial statements for and are prepared. Credit rating agency (ICRA) has submitted draft report assigning Ir BBB+. Data Entry for the year completed upto September 2008 and reconciled.. All Manual registers completed upto October Reform Implementation
ReformsTargetMilestones / Activities achieved, since start of JNNURM Property Tax Survey of all 1,53,068 properties has been completed. All 65 ward maps prepared and approved by SOI. Data entry of properties completed in 64 wards. Properties in 50 wards are Digitized by SOI. GIS & MIS data has been integrated in respect of 32 wards and database backup has been sent to SOI for final scrutiny and approval. Out of this,29 wards have been approved. Steps introduced for enhancement of coverage. Collection is 48.19% upto Property tax calculator introduced in web to facilitate the tax payer in calculating the tax. Reform Implementation
ReformsTarget)Milestones / Activities achieved, since start of JNNURM User Charge SWM : Charges levied with effect from Sl. No. Properties Min. Max. 1 Residential Rs. 10 Rs Commercial Rs. 50 Rs Hotels, Rs. 300 Rs. 600 Choultry etc. 4 Industrial Rs. 100 Rs. 300 The charges are being collected along with property tax. UGD Sewage charges has been levied at the rate of 15% of water charges w.e.f The charges are being collected along with Water tax. To reduce the non-revenue water supply a drive has been initiated from to regularize or disconnect the illegal water connections. During the drive arrears of water tax is also being collected. This drive will continue till all the irregular connections are regularized.
Reform Implementation ReformsTargetMilestones / Activities achieved, since start of JNNURM Internal Budget earmarking % of Funds are earmarked in budget for BSUP for the year New Budget codes introduced Many new schemes for Urban Poor – Training and imparting skills to facilitate self employment introduced. Provision of Basic Services to Poor Household survey completed in all wards families are identified. Socio, economic data are collected. Computerization is under progress. Data entry work completed and are under scrutiny. After completion of the data entry ranking & prioritizing will be done. A committee has been formed to prepare the action plan.
Status of Implementation of Reforms: Optional Reforms O2: O3: Revision of building bylaws to streamline the approval process. Amendments of the existing legislation to introduce the new building byelaws and notification (Rain water Harvesting) Building Byelaws are approved by Govt. in the year Action will be taken to revise the building byelaws of the Corporation after the approval of the New Master Plan by the Government. The Government has already approved in its order No. Na. A. E 94 ACM 2007 dated: making rainwater harvesting system mandatory and has directed the Corporation to accommodate this amendment in the Building Byelaws. The Corporation is implementing the directions of the Govt.
O8:Administrative reforms Encouraging PPP Formation of 9 autonomous zonal offices with Assistant Commissioners as heads. Delegation of powers up to 90% to Heads of Zonal Offices 5-8 wards in each zone Functions like issue of birth and death certificates, renewal of trade license, issue of residential building licenses, Maintenance of Khatas and Collection of Property Tax are delegated to Zones. zonal offices acts as mini Corporation. Action taken to award work on BOOT/PPP basis duly following KTPP rules (Work is in progress at Makkaji Chok and similar action is taken for constructing multi-level parking, major markets and shopping complex)
Best practices adopted Issue of Birth/Death certificates, renewal of trade licenses are done on the very day of the receipt of application. Issue of Residential Building Licenses are done on the very day of the receipt of application. SMS based PGR introduced for reddressal of public Grievances. Property tax calculator introduced in web to facilitate the tax payer in calculating the tax.