ASTROSAT LAXPC Biswajit Paul Raman Research Institute, Bangalore On behalf of the LAXPC Team
EXOSAT-ME : keV, 1800 sq cm With LE Imaging Telescopes (CMA) GINGA-LAC: keV, 4000 sq cm With All Sky Monitor RXTE-PCA: ? 2-30 keV, 6000 sq cm All Sky Monitor and Hard X-ray Instrument ASTROSAT-LAXPC: 2-80 keV, 6000 sq cm With All Sky Monitor, Soft/Hard X-ray Instruments, UVIT Large Area X-ray Astronomical Observatories USA Exp,2000 sq cm IXAE, 1200 sq cm
LAXPC Characteristics Area : 6, ,500 cm 2 Mass: 390 kg Time Resolution: 10 µs, dead time µs Front-end and Processing Electronics: separate electronics for each detector Data Storage: Onboard Memory 570 MB per Orbit Detection Efficiency: % upto 20 keV, ~40% upto 80 keV Energy Resolution: 12-13% at keV Life Time: 3-10 Years, no Consumable
LAXPC: Effective Area
LAXPC: Energy Resolution
LAXPC: Complex Energy Response Energy response generation: Monte Carlo simulation / Ground calibration
Spectral Leakage in PCA and LAXPC PCA LAXPC
Spectral Leakage in PCA
LAXPC Schematic
LAXPC: Complex Energy Response PCA: Energy resolution of single events and escape events
ASTROSAT Ground Trace
LAXPC Advantages Large effective area in hard X-ray band Stable background Low Spectral leakage Wide energy band 2-80 keV with LAXPC keV with SXT keV with CZT Simultaneous, sensitive, multi-band UV/Optical observations Only timing instrument it this time frame
Studies with LAXPC Only Timing Instrument it this Time Frame Hard X-ray Response X-ray Pulsars (Pulsations, QPOs, Transient Nature, Orbital Evolutions) LMXBs (KHz and Low Frequency QPOs, Hard X-rays) Millisecond Accreting Pulsars Rotation Powered Pulsars (Simultaneous Radio observations) BHCs (QPOs and variations in a wide range of time scale) Pulsar Cyclotron Line Cluster Hard X-rays ? Sky Survey Sky Monitoring
Timing Studies
BH High Frequency QPOs (MAXI!)
Survey with Slew Data and Deep Survey
Radio X-ray Simultaneous Observations of Millisecond Pulsars: Absolute Timing
ASTROSAT Launch Window October-December 2011
A Thomson X-ray polarimeter has been designed, developed and successfully tested. Detectors, Front end electronics, Processing Electronics, Collimators with flat top response Test and calibration setup, Rotational stage An Engineering Model is under fabrication Minimum Detectable Polarisation of 3% at 5σ (50 mCrab) No of sources: 50 Thomson X-ray Polarimeter for a small satellite mission Unpolarised source Polarised source Results 24