Hydrology Project Phase-I To establish a functional hydrological information system. To improve institutional capacity Implemented in 9 States viz. Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, and Tamil Nadu and 6 Central Agencies viz. CWC, CGWB, IMD, NIH, CWPRS and MOWR. The project started in September, 1995 and closed on December, Hydrology Project
Hydrology Project–II Cleared by the CCEA in October, The agreement was signed on 19th January, 2006 and approved by the GOI in May, The overall project objective is to extend and promote the sustained and effective use of HIS by all stakeholder. 4 new states (Himachal Pradesh, Punjab Goa & Pondicherry) & 2 new Central Agencies (CPCB, BBMB) included in the phase-II of the project. The original completion period of HP-II was June, The project completion period has been extended up to May, 2014 by the World Bank. CWC component of HP-II is Rs crore. Hydrology Project
Institutional Strengthening Constructed two Lecture halls, one computer lab and extended Krishna Hostel at NWA, CWC, Pune. Upgraded Godavari Hostel by installing TV, AC etc in each room at NWA, CWC, Pune. Conducted 57 training programmes and trained 1342 officers from Central as well as State official. 19 CWC officials participated in 9 International Training courses. Major Activities of CWC
Institutional Strengthening- Contd- Development of online Surface Water Information System (eSWIS) to upgrade the functionality of the existing SWDES, HYMOS and WISDOM Software(HIS). Installed Real Time Water Quality Monitoring System(RTWQMS) at three sites namely Agra (Jawahar Bridge) on river Yamuna, Lucknow on river Gomti and Moradabad on river Ramganga for monitoring of 6 parameters The real time water quality data is available for above sites from 18 th July, 2013 on web site Three training on e-SWIS was conducted. Major Activities of CWC
Development of Hydrological Design Aids (Surface Water”(HDA-SW) Standardization of Methodologies/protocols for rational design and analysis and carry out integrated water resources analysis including study of hydrology of the complete water system Components Assessment of Water Resources Potential - Availability/yield Assessment (HDA-Y); Estimation of Design Flood(HDA-F); and Sediment Rate Estimation(HDA-S) Vertical Extension Major Activities of CWC
HDA-SW The software is under development. Following reports have been submitted and accepted: State of the Art Report(SAR) Inception Reports of all three modules Draft Final Report of HDA-F Draft Final Report of HDA-S Financial Component- Total Cost of the HDA project -- INR 8 Crore (Approx) Likely booking under HP-II -- INR 3.76 Crore Balance cost to be booked in other scheme - INR 4.24 Crore. Vertical Extension – Contd-
Installed Video-conferencing facilities at Delhi, Pune, Gandhinagar, Hyderabad, Lucknow, Bhubaneswar & Coimbatore since October, Lectures on subject matters for training at NWA are being delivered using Video-conferencing. Provided One Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer for analysis of trace and toxic metals at National River Water Quality Laboratory, CWC, New Delhi Modernize Hydrological Observation Stations by installing Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) for discharge measurement on large rivers at 15 sites under CWC. Procured two set of Arc GIS (Arc Info, Arc 3-D Analyst, Arc Spatial) software for various application in water sector. Other Achievements
Financial Target and Achievement Allocation under the Project as per PIP –Rs Crore Allocation as per Revised Cost Table, 2013-Rs Crore Expenditure upto March Rs Crore Reimbursement Claim upto March,2014- Rs Crore Likely Expenditure by May 31, 2014 On HDA-SWRs.0.85 Crore eSWISRs.0.73 Crore OthersRs.0.17 Crore TotalRs.1.75Crore But it is very unlikely that payment for above activities could be made up to May, 2014 due to 1/3 ceiling on the expenditure imposed by MOWR
The infrastructure / facility created under HP-II will be maintained through support provided by the Government of India under different Plan Schemes. Training on the software developed under HP-II will be provided by trained CWC official as and when required. Dissemination data and application of HIS : All hydro meteorological data will be entered online through new eSWIS software and the same will be disseminated as per Hydro-meteorological Data Dissemination Policy of MOWR through eSWIS and web site. Post Project Plan for continuation of HP-II activities
Hydrology Project has been implemented mainly in Peninsular India. There is need to expand the project in remaining parts of India also to cover all hydrological basins of India for better management of water resources. The Project should be initiated in the early phase of starting of Hydrology Project to achieve the target within stipulated time frame. The processes of tender preparation/award also get delayed due to delay in obtaining clearances from different authorities. Capacity building as per project could not achieve because International Training Courses as stipulated in the project plan could not materialized. Lessons Learnt
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