Membership Institution Banks Category Total Member of CDR System Non-member of CDR System All-India FIs14113 Public Sector Banks 26 - Private Sector Banks Total
CDR Statistics – From inception till March 2014 ProposalsNo.of casesTotal Debt (Rs. Crore) Referred Rejected Under Process Approved Exited Successfully Withdrawn on failure Live cases in CDR
3 Cumulative Position ( ParticularsUptoUpto Upto Upto Upto Upto FY NoAmtNoAmtNoAmtNoAmtNoAmtNoAmt Referred Rejected Approved Exited Successfully (A) % to approved Withdrawn on Failure (B) % to approved Total Exited (A+B) Live
4 Year – wise Position ParticularsUptoFY FY FY FY FY Total FY NoAmtNoAmtNoAmtNoAmtNoAmtNoAmtNoAmt Referred Rejected Approved Exited Successfully (A) % to approved Withdrawn on Failure (B) % to approved Total Exited (A+B) Live
Quarter wise comparison for FY & (Rs.Cr.) Sr NoParticulars FY Q 1Q 2Q3Q4Total NoAmountNoAmountNoAmountNoAmountNoAmount 1Cases Referred Cases Rejected Cases Approved Cases Withdrawan Cases Exited Sr NoParticulars FY Q 1Q 2Q3Q4Total NoAmountNoAmountNoAmountNoAmountNoAmount 1Cases Referred Cases Rejected Cases Approved Cases Withdrawan Cases Exited
Trends in CDR references 6
Major industry-wise references
Major Industry exposure in approved cases 8
Some major issues Viability issues Additional finance Issues of Minority lenders Restructuring of non-CDR lenders Delay / Non-implementation of approved package Exit & Right of Recompense 9
Procedural issues Non-adherence to time-lines for submission of packages Tabling of Reports Delay in Mandates Conditional Mandates 10
Thank you 11