El Imperfecto One of the past tenses
El Imperfecto The imperfect is one of the two PAST TENSES The other is called the PRETERITE
Usos We use the imperfect to talk about past actions that: We used to do (habitual actions) We were doing (on-going actions) We would do (in the past)
AR Endings abaábamos abasabais abaaban
ER/IR Endings íaíamos íasíais íaían
*Cuidado* * Means that these forms are IDENTICAL, so you have to CLARIFY. Since the yo form and él/ella/usted form are the same in the imperfect, please make sure you say “yo” if that’s what you mean.
Irregulares Good news! There are only 3 irregular verbs in the entire tense! No go verbs, no stem changers, just…
Ir (to go) Ibaíbamos ibasibais ibaiban
Ser (to be) eraéramos eraserais eraeran
Ver (to see) veíaveíamos veíasveíais veíaveían
Práctica I was singing. We used to swim. She was paying. It was sunny. They used to be friends. You were seeing things.
Práctica I was singing.Yo cantaba We used to swim.Nadábamos She was paying.Ella pagaba It was sunny.Hacía sol They used to be friends.Ellos eran amigos You were seeing things.Tú veías cosas