Smart Grid Vision and Road Map for India Presented by Shri N S Sodha Executive Director, POWERGRID Head, ISGTF Secretariat
Smart Grid Environment Multi-directional ‘flows’ EHV transmission blocks End-consumer real time Information & participation Seamless integration of new applications Central & dispersed sources Central & dispersed intelligence Highlighted domains are important for Green Button implementation PHEV usage Smart materials and power electronics
Relevance of Smart Grid in India Power system in India has roughly doubled in last decade, growing at 8-10%/yr Generation installed capacity of 215 GW, 4th largest in World “No access” to electricity for 30% Indians Per-capita consumption is just one-fourth of World average, tendency to grow rapidly due to electrification Demand by 2032 is estimated above 900 GW. 12th Plan target for RE generation is 36 GW. Current 12% share of RE will be > 20% by 2020. National Mission on Electric Mobility: target of 6 Million EVs by 2020 An increased share of RE requires smarter systems to manage it efficiently, and ensure its stability & reliability
Smart Grid for India Stakeholder Expectations Quality “Power for All” Improve reliability of supply to all customers – no power cuts! Improve quality of supply – no more voltage stabilizers! User friendly and transparent interface with utilities Increased choices of service and tariff etc Customers Reduction of AT&C losses in all utilities to 15% or below Peak load management Reduction in power purchase cost Better asset management Increased grid visibility Self healing Renewable integration Utilities Satisfied customers Financially sound utilities Tariff neutral system upgrade and modernization Reduction in emission intensity Government & Regulators
Smart Grid Priorities for India No more power cuts, Prosumer enablement Reduce AT&C losses, improve QoS Manage peak power, Demand Response, EV proliferation Integrate Renewables/ Distributed Generation efficiently
India as Part of Global Smart Grid Activities CIGRE ISGAN Global Smart Grid Federation ADB Regional Task Force on Smart Grid Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) 2.0
Need for a Roadmap Smart Grids: Journey from present state of grid towards adding a set of smarter systems/applications aligned with business priorities of each utility Successful transformation: detailed planning & development of an implementation methodology Processes/ Selection of technologies & standards/Resources requirements Capacity building programs for all Stakeholders Preparedness: APDRP, R-APDRP & RGGVY launched by GoI experience indicates adequate preparation for utilities & industries involved in terms of capacity building is required Roadmap for implementation of Smart Grids will help all stakeholders which could ensure completion of projects in planned timelines
Smart Grid Roadmap in Other Countries USA Smart Grid Drivers- Emission Reduction , DR, Grid Security, 80% RE & 100% Customer participation by 2035 Investment: $4.3 billion/ varied across states UK Formulated 40 year route map with SG drivers as Carbon Reduction, Energy Security, affordability & economic competitiveness Investment: 10 B Pounds for 2010-2020 China covering 8 Domains, 28 areas Drivers: emission reduction, EE, RE integration, EV, Export of power Investment: $ 7.5 B in 2010 for pilots Canada quality, reliability, optimal usage and cost-efficiency Investment: $1.2 B from 2011-13 Australia reducing peak load, improving efficiency, accommodating future growth in EV Investment: $100M from 2008–2012
Smart Grid Pilots in India Smart Grid initiatives started at various Energy Distribution Utilities AMI is the functionality opted by most of the utilities MoP – Ministry of Power --- MoP Approved Smart Grid Pilots PQM- Power quality management AMI- Advanced metering infrastructure OM- Outage management PLM- Peak load management
Current Status of Smart Grid in India Smart Grid initiatives started at various Energy Distribution Utilities Smart Grid pilots sanctioned (MoP)- 14 Pilots expected to help with technology selection, establish business case & build regulatory environment for implementing larger SG projects in future Indigenous development of low cost smart meters mass roll-out for low volume consumers specifications are being formulated and the strategy for implementation is nearing finalization India Smart Grid Knowledge Portal Developed to serve as an effective collaboration and knowledge dissemination platform for all stakeholders
Smart Grid Mission for India “Quality Power on Demand for All by 2027” Smart Grid Vision for India Transform Indian power sector into a secure, adaptive, sustainable and digitally enabled ecosystem by 2027 that provides reliable and quality energy for all with active participation of stakeholders.
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap 2027 DISTRIBUTION Quality Power for all Electrification of 100% households 24x7 quality supply on demand to all citizens Technology trials through smart grid pilots Full rollout of smart grids in pilot areas National wide smart grid deployments Availability of indigenous smart meter AMI rollout of all consumers with load > 20kW AMI rollout of all consumers with load > 2kW National optical fibre network Reduce AT&C losses to below 15% Reduce AT&C losses to below 10% Utility specific roadmaps Capacity building programs Microgrids in 200 villages Microgrids in 1000 villages
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap 2027 TRANSMISSION Visibility and control of grid b/w all sources of production and consumption Larger number of PMUs on the transmission network Custom made PMU analytics 50,000Kms OPGW cable installed over transmission lines Reduce transmission losses to below 3.5% Reduce transmission losses to below 2.5% Renewable integration upto 30GW Renewable integration upto 80GW Renewable integration upto 130GW
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap 2027 Policy, Standards and Regulations Finalization of norms for cyber-security Dynamic tariffs, Feed in tariffs Policies supporting mandatory roof top solar generation Promoting data standards in all domains of smart grids EV charging facilities Demand Response ready appliances
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap DISTRIBUTION: Mandatory roof top solar power generation for large establishments with connected load >20Kw EV charging facilities At available consumer spaces Quick/fast charging facilities in fuel stations Microgrids 200 villages by 2017 1000 villages by 2022 To ensure minimum 8 hrs of electric supply
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap Appropriate policies and programs to provide access for electricity for all Life line supply (to be defined) by 2015 Electrification of 100% households by 2017 24x7 quality supply on demand to all citizens by 2027 Integrated technology trials Through a set of smart grid pilot projects by 2015 Based on Outcome of Pilots, full rollout of smart grids in pilot project areas by 2017 in urban areas (to be defined) by 2022 Nationwide deployment by 2027
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap Availability of an indigenous smart meter by 2014 AMI roll out for all customers with load > 20 KW by 2017 with load > 10 KW by 2022 for all consumers by 2027 Formulation of effective customer outreach and communication programs for active involvement of consumers in the smart grid implementation
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap Utility specific strategic roadmap(s) Required business process reengineering, change management and capacity building programs to be initiated by 2014 Enabling programs and projects in distribution utilities to reduce AT&C losses below 15% by 2017 below 12% by 2022 below 10% by 2027
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap Conversion of existing distribution sub-stations to GIS based substations in Metro Cities in a phased manner (by 2022) National Optical Fibre Network Connecting all the 2,50,000 Gram panchayats in the country by Optical Fibre Cable Fiber optic link at the nearest 33/11 kV substation to support smart grid in distribution by 2015 Efficient scheduling and dispatch of distributed energy resources (including captive plants)
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap Development of technologies and solutions To manage peak demand, optimal use of installed capacity and reduce load shedding and black-outs - Microgrids, storage options, virtual power plants (VPP), vehicle to grid (V2G), solar to grid (PV2G), and building to grid (B2G) technologies Completion of existing complementary or building block projects as part of RAPDRP Consumer indexing, Asset Mapping and System strengthening activities etc. Improvement in power quality and quantum across the board
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap TRANSMISSION Development of a reliable, secure and resilient grid enables greater visibility and control of efficient power flow between all sources of production and consumption by 2027 Implementation of Wide Area Monitoring System by 2017 Support implementation of smart grid technologies 50,000 Kms of OPGW cable to be installed over transmission lines by the year 2017
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap Enabling programs and projects in transmission utilities to reduce transmission losses to below 3.5% by 2017 to below 2.5% by 2022 Implement power system enhancements to facilitate evacuation and integration 30 GW renewable capacity by 2017 80 GW by 2022 130 GW by 2027
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap POLICY, STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS Establishment of CERT-Distribution and finalization of norms for cyber security (including audit) of distribution systems by 2014 Policies for grid-interconnection of captive/consumer generation facilities (including renewables) technically feasible into consideration policies for roof-top solar policies for peaking power stations Policies for Incentivizing Utility employees based on KPIs
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap Policies supporting improved tariffs such as dynamic tariffs based on frequency bands or time of day basis variable tariffs including demand response programs for Critical peak pricing Policies for public infrastructure EV charging facilities by 2015 DR ready appliances by 2020 Development of appropriate power system standards for smart grid development in India active involvement in smart grid standards development
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap OTHER ISSUES Encourage participation of customers in the energy markets that make them “prosumers” tariff mechanisms like feed in tariffs that are higher new energy products energy options and programs to – producers and consumers Create an effective information exchange platform in real time which will lead to the development of energy markets
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap Creation of adequate resource pools Investment in research and development, training and capacity building programs export of smart grid know-how, products and services
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap Expectations From INDUSTRY/ VENDORS Emerge as effective system integrators while providing the IT/communication systems to the utilities Promote vendor coalitions for cross domain knowledge sharing across ICT and power sector domains to develop vendor cooperative eco-system for delivering better solutions Develop Indigenous technologies to provide solutions for the unique problems of the electricity sector in the country, in turn expected to boost National economy Develop capabilities to export of Smart Grid products, solutions and services to overseas
Draft Smart Grid Roadmap Expected timelines with key activities 12th Plan (2012 – 2017) Completion of pilots Augmentation of data centers and communication network for AMI Roll out Distribution Automation & GIS/Automated distribution s/stns. Development of indigenous smart meter Dynamic tariffs, Sustainability Initiatives –promoting distributed generation 13th Plan (2017 – 2022) Nationwide AMI roll out for customers >10KW load Mandatory Roof Top Solar for large establishments Total Renewable integration of 80GW; EV charging infrastructure Development of micro grids in total 1000 villages Distribution Automation 14th Plan (2022 – 2027) Development of 50 Smart cities. Mandatory roof top solar Total Renewable integration of 130 GW; 10% EV penetration Nationwide AMI roll out for customers Continuous Research &Development ; Choice of electricity supplier Stable 24X7 power supply (more details are available in the proposed draft roadmap)
Next Steps… Discussions with Stakeholders and finalization of the Roadmap Institutional Framework for Smart Grid Development Approach-2 National Council for Smart Grids (NCSG) may be created NCSG to be given statutory powers to approve Rules & Regulations Approach-1 ISGTF can be strengthened with manpower from different power sector/ICT domains ISGTF should have broader powers in taking decisions in matters related to smart grid developments
Key Questions Is the 15 year time frame reasonable? Is the approach and strategy right? How are top-down and bottom-up to be balanced (national vs. utility)? Are the short term and long term objectives right? What measures to be taken by Utilities? What are consumer’s benefits and how to involve them in the smart grid journey?
Thank You!!!
12th Plan (2012 – 2017) 13th Plan (2017 – 2022) 14th Plan (2022 – 2027) Reduction of transmission losses (>66 kV) to below 3% Reduction of AT&C losses in all Distribution Utilities to below 15% Augmentation of Control Centres and Data Centres for all states to cater to deployment of Smart grids Reduction in Power Cuts;24 Hrsavailability of power at principal cities, 22 hrs for all towns and Life line supply to all by 2015; Grid connection of all consumer end generation facilities where feasible Development of indigenous smart meter. Total Renewable integration of 30 GW; and EV trials, 2% EV penetration. Compulsory Roof top PV and Energy efficient building code for new Government offices and Group Housing Projects by 2014. Development of micro grids in 200 villages. EV charging station in urban areas Improvement in Power Quality GIS substations/ Automation of substationsin all metros Implementation of dynamic Tariff. Reduction of AT&C losses to below 12% in all Utilities Electrification of all households by 2020 Nationwide AMI roll out for customers >10KW load Total Renewable integration of 80GW; 5% EV penetration Development of micro grids in total 1000 villages. EV charging station GIS substations/Automation of substations in all state capitals & principal cities. Energy Efficiency Programs for all lighting in urban areas. Standards Development for Smart Infrastructure (SEZ, Buildings, Roads/Bridges, Parking lots, Malls) and Smart Cities UHV and EHV Strengthening Reduction of AT&C losses to below 10% in all Utilities Stable 24x7 power supply to all categories of consumers all across the country Choice of electricity supplier(open access) to all consumers Nationwide AMI roll out for customers Total Renewable integration of 130 GW; 10% EV penetration Development of micro grids in 5000 villages. Development of 50 Smart cities. Energy Efficiency Programs for all lighting across nation Export of SG products, solutions and services to overseas Continuous Research &Development ; Training & Capacity Building. Active Participation of “Prosumers”
12th Plan (2012 – 2017) 13th Plan (2017 – 2022) 14th Plan (2022 – 2027) Tariff mechanism for small roof top solar PV’s Energy Efficiency Programs for lighting in Metros & state capitals. Standards Development for Smart Grids including EVs and its charging infra. Strengthening of EHV System Strengthening of FOcommunication system 1200 kV UHVAC testing and simulation studies Research & Development, Training & Capacity Building. 10% Utility technical personnel to be trained in Smart Grid Technologies Customer Outreach & Participation Sustainability Initiatives SG Pilots, full SG roll out in pilotproject cities Development of 5 Smart cities Establishment of Smart Grid Test bed and Smart Grid knowledge center. Research & Developments; Training & Capacity Building. 25% Utility technical personnel to be trained in Smart Grid Technologies Export of SG products, solutions and services to overseas SG roll out in urban areas Development of 25 Smart cities. SG rollout nationwide