PROJECT Health Medical Camps VHW Training Local clinicDevelopment People of Goblipura SHGs Govt programmes
MEDICAL CAMPS Name of village Sponsored by No of patients seen 1. Mullur Rotary Club Bommanahalli Rev.Wesley Sadhu Thavarakatte Maguvinahalli Irene Steele Thammadahalli 170 Total 696
Financial Assistance Programme - Govt. sponsored. How it works: 1.Kids from below poverty line families with one parent or orphans are selected through us and financial help given by the Govt kids have been selected and approved from Goblipura: Financial assistance will begin in the next two months. Quantum:
SUSHMA 15 YRS. 1 ST PUC RASHMI 12 YRS 9 TH STD Single parent. Lost mother Single parent. Lost father
RECEIPTS PAYMENTS KJCT 1,56000 Salaries & Expenses Sale of M’bike: 21,000 Total: 1,77000 Total: BALANCE ON 31.3.’12 : 87,193.
PRIDE Project: Income of Rs per month. Medical camps strictly for new needy areas once in 3-4 months without any repetition of camps in the same place upto March Continue at Goblipura till March 2014 Future focus: Conduct and sponsor programmes like: 1.Biblical counselling Pre marital counselling for youngsters planning to get married. Marriage enrichment seminars Parenting seminars Church revival and motivational programmes.