Use of UHF Band – White Spaces for backhaul – An Analysis 9 th GISFI meetings Mumbai, 18 – 20 June 2012 Document No GISFI_SPCT_
Basic issues for use of any frequency band for a particular service Whether the proposed band is suitable for the proposed service from: – ITU Allocations & National Frequency Allocation Plan (NFAP); – Propagation characteristics; – Interference with other existing services; – Required bandwidth/ capacity availability; – Equipment availability & suitability; – International practices & experience; Is the proposed band more suitable for other competing services ? Whether the proposed service can use any other alternative frequency band ?
Use of White Spaces in 500 – 600 MHz band for back-bone services Spectrum requirements of mobile services are increasing exponentially; Medium term addl. spectrum requirements of mobile services estimated around 500 MHz by different experts (present use upto 1000 MHz); This is besides de-licensed bands for Wi-Fi type systems for which addl. estimates are around 500 MHz (500 MHz already in de-licensed use);
Use of White Spaces in 500 – 600 MHz band for back-bone services contd.. In general, mobile services can use spectrum upto 6 GHz due to requirements of building penetration, multi-path, non line-of-sight, etc. Hence, globally spectrum managers are moving the existing line-of-sight, fixed links in frequency bands below 6 GHz, to higher frequency bands or alternate physical media like OFC, etc. White spaces are being demanded and proposed to be used for low power un-licensed, Wi-Fi type usages, along with use of cognitive radio.
Use of White Spaces in 500 – 600 MHz band for back-bone services contd.. Broadcasters are opposing use of even the low power Wi-Fi type systems in white spaces; Important to note that line-of-sight, fixed links in frequency bands below 6 GHz, are being moved away globally to higher frequency bands or physical media like OFC, etc.