AIMIL…..the trendsetter
AIMIL With over 400 products, big and small, AIMIL is the largest manufacturer in this field. Has been a trend setter in terms of features, quality, reliability. Users swear by the name of AIMIL, making it synonymous with the quality. This was not achieved in a day, or a week, a month or even a year. A system was in place, where AIMIL was able to understand the exact market requirements and responded accordingly. For this sole purpose, we are where we are today.
AIMIL YoY Growth
Points to be noticed We are where we were. We will be where we are. IS THIS ACCEPTABLE???
Constraints? Market Size? Limited Application? No new projects? Unfavorable Market Situation? OR Delivery Time????
Competitor Growth Based on some analysis, following points have emerged:- AIMIL has retained its market share based on YoY basis. HEICO’s Civil Engg. Range has lost its share. Other small and local suppliers have gained some prominence. Controls has started assembling their CTM units in India. Major competition is felt in Government tenders where “L1” is the only criteria.
What’s needed? Achieve a consistent growth in terms of volume. Understanding the rapidly changing market trends. To make the best possible use of our engineering facilities. A constantly updating database based on Sales/CSG/Engineering feedback. A complete and thorough knowledge on our own existing product range.
THE WAY AHEAD…. Introduction of “PRODUCT ROADMAP” Concept. What is a “PRODUCT ROADMAP”? Why a “PRODUCT ROADMAP”? A two word definition can be “What Next”? “What Next”?.....For the existing product, for new products, for customization options and so on. This will be based on useful feedback from our MVPs, the Sales & CSG teams. We all need a good foresight and keep ourselves updated.
PRODUCT ROADMAP AIMIL’s “PRODUCT ROADMAP” will apply to: Application – Our machines will focus on covering the widest spectrum of users with new products or modifications to existing products. Customization – Options for Bespoke/Custom which can be easily incorporated for meeting specific requirements. Performance – Classic reputation of AIMIL of making high performance machines which have a great service life and great reliability. Features – Addition of peripheral features to keep up with latest trends as well having a sole focus on giving customer the maximum output for his investment. Aesthetics - The look of “AIMIL” machines to make them stand out. Ergonomics – Attention to small details and features to enhance the productivity of users
HOW WILL A PRODUCT ROADMAP HELP? Address all the technical and application issues in a time bound manner. Introduction of newer features periodically, depending on market feasibility vs. cost. Biggest help for Sales Force will be the availability of “Lockin Specifications” Introduction of new machines. Always stay a step ahead of the competition. We will also target “International Acceptance” of AIMIL machines manufactured in India.
MY NEW ROLE Assist sales teams for application and product info. Goal is to make the processes efficient and smooth. Fulfilling customer’s needs with highest satisfaction. Understanding the requirements at various levels. Focus on associated things like: Manuals, Demo Videos, Literatures, Lockin & Spec sheets Continuous review & up-gradation of machine Meeting key customers for better understanding of current trends.
What Engineering Needs? Engineering is ready for the challenge. We have the facilities, experience and expertize. Some major customization tasks already underway. The Engineering needs:- Relevant Feedback/Inputs Constant Feedback/Inputs Detailed Feedback/Inputs
New Products Products recently launched: Servo CTM(Supplied to NCCBM, NIT Jamshedpur) Bending Testing Machine(Being sent to IIT KGP) Visco 2000(Being sent to Oriental Infra.) Servo Flexural Testing Machine for 3m long sample(NIT Jamshedpur. Rolling Thin Film Oven(SVNIT Surat) EN Cement Tester(Kerakoll India through Tirth Ent.) Online Solution for CTM(PWD Nagpur and Ultratech Mumbai)
New Products Following is the list of products, ready to be launched: Torsion Testing Machine – New Design Impact Testing Machine – New Design UTM with Hydraulic Grips “In House” manufacture Bump Integrator Universal Triaxial Cell upto 2 Mpa Battery Operated Digital Indicator for HO CTM. Pneumatic Consolidation
New Products Products which are being considered for indigenous development. 1.Digital Rebound Hammer 2.Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Meter 3.New Generation Touch Screen CTM with networking 4.Combined Compression and Tensile Tester 5.Cyclic Triaxial 6.Dynamic Actuators 7.Auto Consolidation – Electromechanical 8.Auto Direct Shear
New Products
Valuable Inputs As mentioned, Sales/CSG inputs will determine a successful Product Roadmap. After going through inputs from various teams, following products have been prioritized for speedy development and production: Automatic pressure controllers for Triaxial, Consolidation, Direct Shear. Advanced “Touch Screen” CTMs with various features like weight measurement, networking features, single CTM for 200 to 2000kN etc. Low cost variants of Digital UTM & CTM for competing in tenders. Cyclic Triaxial Test System. CTM with facility to test bars upto 22mm(Need Feedback)
Summing it up A number of positive changes. Shifting to next gear in development and quality. Gearing up for the challenges ahead. Take an unassailable lead. Sales, CSG, RnD, Engineering & MARCOM will work as a well oiled machine.