Binet-Simon scale developed in 1904 to identify abnormal children for placement in special educational programs. Later modified as Stanford- Binet test, which forms the basis of many IQ test today.
A study shows that IQ and creativity are correlated up to around an IQ score of 120 (average person’s IQ is 100) and beyond that it exhibits lesser correlation, with instances of creativity even falling as IQ rises. However, the study didn’t establish any causal relationship between IQ and CQ.
That’s because highly intelligent people are used to solving most problems in seconds and thus habitually stop further thinking, falling into what is called the “Genius Trap”
Also a cross-cultural and longitudinal study(1967) by E Paul Torrance found that around the 4 th grade, creativity often diminish as children become more conforming, are less likely to take risks and are less playful and spontaneous than in earlier years. This led to the famous term ‘4 th Grade Slump’. % of 'Genius' among 1,500 Students (based on Creative Quotient score)* Age Bracket 3-5 Years98% 8-10 Years32% Years10% 25+2% * A Longitudinal study, which means the same set of students were studied after every 5 years
That we are inherently creative, but somewhere lose the ability to think creatively over the years.
Unlike popular opinion, creative thinking is a process of seamless interplay of left and right hemispheres. Think for a minute about a problem you need to solve. Your brain first looks for facts already known to you(convergent thinking, a left brain activity). If no preexisting solution exists, it starts scanning memories and dormant information to see beyond the obvious and awareness (divergent thinking or a right-brain function) Left Brain Right Brain Creative Idea
This is what Howard Gardner says in the book “Frames of Mind”. His “multiple intelligences” framework comprise: Linguistic Intelligence(poet, lawyer) Logical Intelligence(Mathematician,engineer) Spatial Intelligence(Pilo, astranaut) Kinesthetic intelligence (athlete, surgeon) Musical Intelligence(Composer, performer) Interpersonal Intelligence(Politician, talk show host) Intrapersonal intelligence(Yogi, sufi) Naturalistic Intelligence(Botanist, chef)
Theories that only 10% of brain is being used might be a myth. But as an human being, there is no limit to what one could achieve through little creativity. And more importantly, the ability to think divergently could be developed and improved upon.