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No. of CIG Formed- 120% of Group where majority belong to a particular caste/Sub caste 113 CIG 76% 48 CIG 76% Activity wise no. of CIG's benefited (1) Agriculture & Ailied (I) Land Based (Agriculture) (II) Dairy (III) Live Stock I.e. goating, Sheep Rearing28 CIG (2) Non farm (Activity wise No.) (A) Tent, Stiching, Pattal Dona, Floor Mill, Band Baja, Khudra, Light 61 CIG (B) Infrastructure04 CIG (a) Av. time taken for preparation - 2 Month (b) Av. time for sanction of projects - 1 Month (c) Av. time taken for group contribution- 3 – 6 Months (d) Av. time taken for transfer of funds to CIG account- 3 Months (e) Av. time taken for acquisition of asset-3 Months CIG Performance% Numbers (A) % of Groups earing a net income (i) Rs Per Month (ii) Rs Per Month (iii) Rs Per Month44 CIG (iv) Upto Rs Per Month04 CIG (v) No Income (B) % Groups Who Have Acquied Additional Assest (C) % of Groups Linked to the market10 CIG % of Group Members who lost their assest (a) Through saie (b) Death55 (c) Other reasons Name of NGO :GIMAT EDUCATOIN AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY,- I, Ame-RAJSAMNDt 1 No. benefited Sanctioned S.P. Preparation, Sanction, Implemention of Sub-Projects
No. of CIG Formed- 120% of Group where majority belong to a particular caste/Sub caste 93 CIG 78% 22 CIG 78% Activity wise no. of CIG's benefited (1) Agriculture & Ailied (I) Land Based (Agriculture) (II) Dairy (III) Live Stock I.e. goating, Sheep Rearing24 90% (2) Non farm (Activity wise No.) (A) Tent, Stiching, Pattal Dona, Floor Mill, Band Baja, Khudra, Light 32 70% (B) Infrastructure4 90% (a) Av. time taken for preparation - 2 Month (b) Av. time for sanction of projects - 1 Month (c) Av. time taken for group contribution- 3 –6 Months (d) Av. time taken for transfer of funds to CIG account- 3 Months (e) Av. time taken for acquisition of asset-3 Months CIG Performance% Numbers (A) % of Groups earing a net income (i) Rs Per Month (ii) Rs Per Month (iii) Rs Per Month18 CIG (iv) Upto Rs Per Month 4 (v) No Income (B) % Groups Who Have Acquied Additional Assest (C) % of Groups Linked to the market Name of NGO : Gemat- II, Amet 1 No. benefited Sanctioned S.P. Preparation, Sanction, Implemention of Sub-Projects2 3
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