Achievements of the WHO NEHAP in Hungary as a pilot country of the progamme A. Pintér, A. Páldy, T. Málnási, E. Erdei National Center for Public Health, National Institute of Environmental Health, Hungary
Average life-expectancy at birth (years), males
Average life-expectancy at birth (years), females,
Total mortality, male, 0-64 years, standardized death rate / 100,000
Total mortality, female, 0-64 years, standardized death rate / 100,000
Lung cancer mortality rates, males, 0-64 years, standardized death rate / 100,000
Lung cancer mortality rates, females, 0-64 years, standardized death rate / 100,000
Programs studied in the timeframe of Hungarian NEHAP Outdoor air quality Water quality Waste management and soil quality Work environment, occupational health Special aspects of chemical safety Ionizing radiation safety Food safety Environmental noise Indoor air quality Environmental epidemiological information system
Scope and Purpose of the Hungarian Environmental Action Programme I. To promote an environment supportive to human health and improving the health status of the population. To overview the most important environmental health issues and problems while setting priorities for implementations. To develop scientifically-based projects including technological, economic and administrative details („bankable projects”), utilising available financial tools to support priorities.
Scope and Purpose of the Hungarian Environmental Action Programme II. To ensure close collaboration with respective ministries, agencies and other parties, with the health and environmental sectors playing a leading role. To encourage local iniciatives (local governments, local NGOs) to improve environmental health in local areas. To promote activities related to a healthy life style. To encourage international collaborations in the field of environmental health
Results Outdoor air quality New approach for measurement methodology- emission sources, modelling in Tatabánya; modelling for other cities Passive monitoring methodology for benzene, xylene, toluene measurements EU conformed technics, measurement systems Ragweed-caused allergic problems, continuous pollen monitoring network
Ragweed infected agricultural lands in Hungary
Water quality I. Drinking water: 97 % of population supplied with piped drinking water, generally good quality Problems: 1. Arsenic-Hungarian limit value: 50 g/l. 2. Nitrate- newborn methaemoglobinaemia 3. Ammonium, iron, manganese 4. Bacterial aftergrowth in deep well waters
As concentration of drinking water in Hungary (1998) and clusters of mortality from cancer of the kidneys and bladder (ICD-10: C64-C68) As concentration (µg/l) < > 50
Water quality II. Bathing water-bacterial contaminations, low level of sewage treatment Lake Balaton - summer algal blooms (rare), bacteriologically clean New diagnostic methods for Cryptosporidium and Giardia determinations
Waste and soil quality In cooperation with the National Environmental Action Plan a survey of waste disposal (communal, industrial, agricultural) was carried out in 9 counties.
Sites of pesticide and fertilizer disposal in County Békés Waste water producers and sites of disposal in County Békés pesticides & fertilizers fertilizers pesticides waste water producers disposal
Other programmes Work environment- asbestos exposure in wokplaces and environment- lung cancer risk assessment Chemical safety –PCB compounds in the environment, their health effects –Host genetic polymorphisms and carcinogenic exposure relationships Noise- industrial and service facilities, road and air traffic related measurements, analysis
Radiation safety occupational exposure, low levels (10-15% of the dose limits) Nuclear Power Plant (Paks) contributes only 1/1000 of the natural level population exposure from medical sources (X-ray, isotope diagnostic, cancer treatment) Uranium mining wastes and disposal wastes of nuclear energy Food safety Pb, Cd, Hg, nitrate, PAHs, polychlorinated compounds, breast-milk PCBs
Teaching environmental health and healhty life-style Importance of education in the field of environmental health, pilot project in one county (Győr-Moson-Sopron), overall concepts from kindergarten level upto secondary school graduation; creative, active teaching form Books, leaflets, complex educational tools for teachers and schools
New NEHAP issues for period Climate change and its health effects in Hungary Genetic polymorphisms and allergic diseases Rural environment and its effect on the human health Traffic and application of the Environment and Health Charta in Hungary Persistent chlorine compounds WHO Water and Health Document implications