Select New Option from the file menu to create a new project for Calculating Earthwork quantities upto top of Embankment.
The minimum value entered here should be lesser than the min.level value from all chainages. And the maximum level value should be higher than the max. level value from all chainages. The horizontal and vertical scale selected is unequal. The minimum value entered here should be lesser than the min.level value from all chainages. And the maximum level value should be higher than the max. level value from all chainages. The horizontal and vertical scale selected is unequal.
Enter Formation level parameters as shown. Formation slopes are assumed to be the same for all chainages here, hence Use different Formation Parameters for each chainage option in the dialog box is not checked. Enter Formation level parameters as shown. Formation slopes are assumed to be the same for all chainages here, hence Use different Formation Parameters for each chainage option in the dialog box is not checked.
Select Yes to creat a new file.
This dialog box appears to get the project File name.
Type in the File name and click Save.
Enter original ground levels by selecting Original Ground levels option from Edit Menu.
Enter original ground level values for chainage 0. Left side cross distances are negative and right side distances are positive. Use Add Row button to add more values. Enter original ground level values for chainage 0. Left side cross distances are negative and right side distances are positive. Use Add Row button to add more values.
MAKARAND: Use the Maximize button on the top right corner to enter the values efficiently.
Similarly enter level values for chainages 10,20,30. Use Restore window on the top right corner to restore the earlier display. Similarly enter level values for chainages 10,20,30. Use Restore window on the top right corner to restore the earlier display.
Now select Formation Levels option and enter Formation level values.
For Formation levels only one value per chainage is to be entered. Progress levels are automatically calculated from Formation parameters. Cross distance is 0 for formation level if center of road and center of OGL are vertically in the same line. For Formation levels only one value per chainage is to be entered. Progress levels are automatically calculated from Formation parameters. Cross distance is 0 for formation level if center of road and center of OGL are vertically in the same line.
Select Quantities from the View menu to calculate cutting and filling quantities.
Click Yes to generate.prl File by the program using Formation Levels.
.prl file is generated by program to store information of progress levels, using formation levels.
Select Recalculate Progress Levels from Formation Levels and Generate Detail Area Calculations options. Select All to calculate quantities for all chainages and click OK. Select Recalculate Progress Levels from Formation Levels and Generate Detail Area Calculations options. Select All to calculate quantities for all chainages and click OK.
Area Calculations are stored in.txt File and Quantities are stored in.qnt File which can be viewed and modified in Microsoft Word.
Program will now display complete Quantity statement.
Cross sections for different chainages can be viewed by clicking Cross sections from the View menu.
Similarly click L-section from the view menu to view longitudinal section.
Select Save cross sections Drawing from the File menu. Program generates cross sections drawing files in DXF format which can be viewed and modified in ACAD. Select Save cross sections Drawing from the File menu. Program generates cross sections drawing files in DXF format which can be viewed and modified in ACAD.
Select Save Longitudinal Section Drawing from the File menu. Program will save L-section drawing File in DXF Format which can be viewed and modified in ACAD. Select Save Longitudinal Section Drawing from the File menu. Program will save L-section drawing File in DXF Format which can be viewed and modified in ACAD.
Start ACAD to view the dxf files created by RoadMaster.
Open DXF file to view c/s sections and L-section drawings.
Go to the Folder where dxf files are stored.
Select File Type as DXF.
Select appropriate file and click Open.
Select L-section dxf File.
Start Microsoft Word to view the quantity statement in.qnt file and Area Calculations in.txt file.
Go to the folder where.txt and.qnt files are stored.
Select File Type as Text Files(*.txt).
Select Page Setup then Paper size - A4 and Orientation - Landscape to view the page properly.
Select Select all from the Edit menu and then select the appropriate font size to view the page properly.
Select File Name as *.qnt.
Again Select Page Setup then Paper size - A4 and Orientation -Landscape.
Reduce the Margins and Select appropriate Font to view the page properly.
This completes the Step by step Run for Earthwork Quantities upto the top of Embankment, using Formation slopes.