He is very generous إن الله كريم يحب الكرم ، و يحب معالي الأخلاق - ، و يكره سفسافها -God loves the generous and generosity, love and His Excellency ethics, and hates the people who act without thinking right.
He is willing to help anyone ترى المؤمنين : في تراحمهم ، وتوادهم ، وتعاطفهم ، - كمثل الجسد ، إذا اشتكى عضوا ، تداعى له سائر جسده بالسهر والحمى -Considering the faithful: in helping and being merciful, and sympathy, like the body, if a member complained, he collapsed and the rest of his body to ensure fever
He always thinks of others You will never become a Muslim unless you love your brother as much as you love your self. You will never become a Muslim unless you love your brother as much as you love your self.
Does his work on time The most loving thing to do to Allah is to pray on time. The most loving thing to do to Allah is to pray on time. It’s the same concept with work It’s the same concept with work
He takes responsible risks Everyone is responsible for his family and his life. Everyone is responsible for his family and his life. مسوَول
He is truthful The Muslim doesn’t lie and always tells the truth. The Muslim doesn’t lie and always tells the truth. الامين
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