By katerin Adones
Comparative In Spanish as in English, we use comparatives to express comparisons of superiority, equality, and inferiority. which is made be adding -er or a preceding more to the positive form
To express more… than…, one uses the following form: Shakira is more famous than Maria José Quintanilla
To express less… than…, one uses the following form: Bart is less inteligent than Lissa.
To express equality, one uses the following forms: Fernando Gonzáles is as good as Nicolas Massú
Superlative The superlative form, which is made by adding -est or a preceding most to the positive form
To express the most, one uses the form: She is the most beautiful woman in the world
To express the least using an adverb, one uses the form: This program is the least famous in the word.
Forming Comparative and Superlative Adjectives One-Syllable Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form talltallertallest oldolderoldest longlongerlongest
One-Syllable Adjective Ending with a Single Consonant with a Single Vowel before It. One-Syllable Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form bigbiggerbiggest thinthinnerthinnest fatfatterfattest
With most two-syllable adjectives, you form the comparative with more and the superlative with most. Two-Syllable Adjective Comparative Form Superlative Form peacefulmore peacefulmost peaceful pleasantmore pleasantmost pleasant carefulmore carefulmost careful thoughtfulmore thoughtfulmost thoughtful
If the two-syllable adjectives ends with –y, change the y to i and add –er for the comparative form. For the superlative form change the y to i and add –est. Two-Syllable Adjective Ending with -y Comparative Form Superlative Form happyhappierhappiest angryangrierangriest busybusierbusiest
For adjectives with three syllables or more, you form the comparative with more and the superlative with most. Adjective with Three or More Syllables Comparative Form Superlative Form generousmore generousmost generous importantmore importantmost important intelligentmore intelligentmost intelligent
There are some irregular comparisons
Choose the correct anwer 1.-The comparative of bad is: a)Bader b)Worser c)Worse d)More bad 2.- The superlative of gentle is: a)Gentleest b)Gentlerest c)Gentlest d)most gentler
3.- The superlative of hot is: a)Hotest b)Hottest c)Most hot d)More hot 4.- The comparative of joyful is : a)joyfuller b)Joufuler c)More joyful d)More joyfuller
Practice Make comparative or superlative sentences using the words given. Example Bob/tall/Richard BOB IS TALLER THAN RICHARD. 1. Tea/cheap/champagne TEA IS CHEAPER THAN CHAMPAGNE 2. Movies/interesting/TV shows MOVIES ARE MORE INTERESTING THAN TV SHOWS 3. Sharon/beautiful/ in the class SHARON IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL IN THE CLASS 4. John /happy /in the world JOHN IS THE HAPPIEST BOY IN THE WORLD.