Ethics in the Marketplace Week 2 Winter 2015 Providence University College
Golden Rule in the Bible Love your neighbor as yourself. Lev 19:18 & Mk 12:13 Whatever you desire others to do to you, do to them. Matt 7:12 & Luke 6:31 What do you notice?
Golden Rule in the Bible what I notice Leviticus love the alien as your self? Mark after the “contest”, an honest question
Golden Rule in the Bible what I notice Matthew in Sermon on the Mount Beatitudes sacrificial love overwhelming generosity of God »an appropriate response from us Luke in the Sermon on the Plain Beatitudes love your enemies »turn the cheek »give them your clothing »lend to them without expecting to get anything back God is overwhelmingly generous »we should be just like Him
Golden Rule in the Bible what I notice not all the same always a “primary rule” a “contract” between people
Golden Rule in the Bible what I conclude overwhelming generosity much more than the “golden rule”
For Fri ch 1 on quiz ch 2 NOT on quiz think of 1 question you want to ask “The Social Responsibility Business Is To Increase Its Profits” Friedman read by Fri on quiz think of 1 thing you want to say
Cases Each case: What ethical systems used? by the protagonist by other actors
Identifying Ethical Systems
normative consequentialist 1.egoism 2.utilitarianism act-utilitarianism rule-utilitarianism non-consequentialist 3.Kantian 4.prima facie principles 5.moral rights should results motives
Identifying Ethical Systems should results 1.egoism 2.utilitarianism act-utilitarianism rule-utilitarianism best for me best for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb
Identifying Ethical Systems should results for me for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb motives 3.Kantian 4.prima facie principles 5.moral rights reason
Identifying Ethical Systems should results for me for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb motives 3.reason 4.principles 5.rights Egoism
1.Egoism misplaced attacks self-indulgence hedonism only pretending reasonable attacks not a moral theory psychological egoism not observed ignores “reality”
Identifying Ethical Systems should results for me for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb motives 3.reason 4.principles 5.rights Utilitarianism
2.Utilitarianism in organizations clear & “straightforward” process “objective” criteria results-oriented
2.Utilitarianism criticisms workable? just? relentless? some acts just seem wrong
2.Utilitarianism 2 streams act utilitarianism case-by-case rule utilitarianism rule-of-thumb “judge codes, not actions”
Identifying Ethical Systems should results for me for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb motives 3.reason 4.principles 5.rights Kant
3.Kant reason circumstances must be ignored intentions only duty universal application test
3.Kant “a categorical imperative” “means not ends”
3.Kant in organizations firm rules focus on individual motivation
3.Kant criticisms why only duty acceptable? no exceptions? what does “means not ends” mean?
Identifying Ethical Systems should results for me for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb motives 3.reason 4.principles 5.rights prima facie principles
4.Prima Facie Principles 10 commandments love God; love others Golden Rule
4.Prima Facie Principles “everyone agrees on some basic rules” in hierarchy
4.Prima Facie Principles Ross 7 duties fidelity reparation gratitude justice beneficence self-improvement non-injury
4.Prima Facie Principles criticisms universal? what happens if someone disagrees? conflicting
Identifying Ethical Systems should results for me for everyone case-by-case rule-of-thumb motives 3.reason 4.principles 5.rights moral rights
5.Moral Rights The Declaration of the Rights of Man Universal Declaration of Human Rights
5.Moral Rights understanding duties & rights positive rights & negative rights
5.Moral Rights criticisms what is on the list? who draws up the list? is eligible? is responsible? how much? rights contests
Friedman “The Social Responsibility… New York Times Magazine 1970 Milton Friedman 1912 – 2006 Nobel Prize in Economics Chicago School of Economics "the most influential economist of the second half of the 20th century…possibly of all of it” The Economist, obituary, 2006 1 thing you want to say
Friedman “The Social Responsibility… What’s the basic case? Why is it attractive? Why don’t business people say it? What objections have been made? How would you respond?
textbook ch 2 1 question you want to ask