IDF Diabetes Atlas Diabetes prevalence, mortality and health expenditure for 2013 and th Edition
Acknowledgements Sixth edition committee Nam Han Cho (chair), David Whiting (deputy chair), Leonor Guariguata, Pablo Aschner Montoya, Nita Forouhi, Ian Hambleton, Rui Li, Azeem Majeed, Jean Claude Mbanya, Ayesha Motala, K.M. Venkat Narayan, Ambady Ramachandran, Wolfgang Rathmann, Gojka Roglic, Jonathan Shaw, Martin Silink, D.R.R. Williams, Ping Zhang Editorial team Leonor Guariguata, Tim Nolan, Jessica Beagley, Ute Linnenkamp, Olivier Jacqmain Contributors Florencia Aguirre, Alex Brown, Nam Han Cho, Gisela Dahlquist, the Diabetes Education Consultative Section (DECS), Sheree Dodd, Trisha Dunning, Sir Michael Hirst, Christopher Hwang, Dianna Magliano, Chris Patterson, Courtney Scott, Jonathan Shaw, Gyula Soltész, Juliet Usher- Smith Other Contributors Carlos Aguilar Salinas, Riyadh Alshamsan, Tabassum Ambia, Carmen Gloria Aylwin, Caroline Baan, Juliana Chan, Adel A El-Sayed, Laercio Franco, Juan José Gagliardino, Jody Grundman, Lucy Hadley, Christian Herder, Hak C. Jang, Pili Kamenju, Andre Pascal Kengne, Tawfik Khoja, Mandana Kooijmans, Silvia Lapertosa, Kerry Lydon, Ronald Ching Wan Ma, Lydia Makaroff, Chris Millett, Graham Ogle, Martijn Parker, Nasheeta Peer, Lorenzo Piemonte, Salman Rawaf, Joachim Rosenbauer, Segundo Seclén, Chamukuttan Snehalatha, Anne Mieke Spijkerman, Teresa Tamayo, Sean Taylor, Sara Webber, Sarah H Wild, Mary Vinocour, Bernard Zinman
Corporate sponsors IDF would like to express its thanks to the following sponsors for their generous support of the sixth edition: Supported through an unrestricted grant by the Novo Nordisk Changing Diabetes® initiative
Types of diabetes Type 1 diabetesType 2 diabetes Gestational diabetes Lack of insulin Autoimmune Usually children Insulin resistance Lifestyle factors Usually adults Insulin resistance During pregnancy Risks to mother and child
Major diabetes complications Cardiovascular disease Eyes Kidney Feet Fatty liver Sleep apnea Co-morbidities
Diabetes is a huge and growing problem, and the costs to society are high and escalating 382 million people have diabetes By 2035, this number will rise to 592 million
Almost half of all people with diabetes live in just three countries China India USA
The socially disadvantaged in any country are especially vulnerable to diabetes
Increasing development and wealth is correlated with decreasing early mortality due to diabetes
Diabetes is more than a health issue and requires concerted policy action across many sectors