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Presentation transcript:

The Oldham Woods church Welcomes You To Our Services

December Lesson Topics Tonight: SINGING 12/14 AM & PM Traits of Winning Families. 12/21 AM It is a wonderful life. 12/21 PM. Generosity and the Christian.

GIVERS VS TAKERS Are you a giver? or a taker? or a taker?

What does the Lord want us to be? äAäAäAäActs 20:35 It is more blessed to G GIVE.... than to receive. äIäIäIäII Cor 9:7 God loveth a cheerful GIVER… äJäJäJäJn 3:16 For God so loved the world that he GAVE His only begotten son.. äGäGäGäGOD HAS ALWAYS BEEN A GIVER…

What About You? ä Jesus was a Giver - why we love Him so! ä What do you choose?

JESUS: Lk 6:38 “Give and it shall be given unto you. Good measure pressed down, shaken together, running over shall the Lord give unto your bosom. With the same measure you give, shall be given unto you again.” With what measure do you give?

The churches of Macedonia first gave of themselves! II Cor 8:2-5 ä Though in “affliction” and “deep poverty” the abundance of their joy abounded unto the riches of their liberality. ä “They gave beyond their power of their own accord.” (Vs 3) ä “First they gave of their own selves to the Lord ” (Vs 5)

How to be a Giver? Who are the most loved people in this church?


Giving is a matter of Spiritual Maturity ä We are born…self-centered… ä Babies must be taught to be considerate & generous! ä ä Some rob God by meager offerings.

Lk 16:11 ä ä 11 If therefore ye have not been faithful in the un- righteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches ?

WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? 1. Become truly thankful..for our blessings and realize the source of our blessings! ä Matt 10:18 “Freely received should freely give!” 2. Must have faith to give believing…. ä Phil 4:19 “My God will supply all your needs.”

WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? 3. Watch your focus! ä Not what you get, but can give! ä Giving is the essence of Worship! ä Matt 16:25 “Gain your life by losing it!” ä Prayer: “Lord, may our lives be a blessing to others today.”

WHAT IS THE SOLUTION? 4. AVOID FAULT FINDING ä Giving and Criticism are inversely related. ä Stop criticizing and be determined to be apart of the solution not the problem! ä Prayer: “Revive the church beginning with me!”

WHAT IT THE SOLUTION? 5. FORGET ABOUT “CREDIT.” ä Key: Let other’s get the credit, God get the glory, you get the joy! ä “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Jesus. ä “Wealth’s greatest satisfaction is seeing it help others while you are living!”

Giving is a Matter of Faith & Character ä Character = “Doing right on purpose.” Ps 15:4 ä The more religious people are the more likely they are to be personally benevolent! ä C - ompassion -- Big brother do it ä c - ompassion -- I will do it!

DANIEL: A MAN OF TRUE CHARACTER ä He learned to say “no” before the question was even asked ä Conviction= a predetermined answer ä Givers= purpose in their hearts.. ä He learned to trust the wisdom of God instead of the logic of men. ä God says: “Sow bountifully, reap bountifully.” 2 Cor 9:6

DANIEL: A MAN OF TRUE CHARACTER ä He did well --gave the glory to God! ä Dan 6:22 “My God has sent the angels and they shut the lions mouth.” ä When praised, accept the compliment but praise God that blesses and motives and directs your giving!

Barriers to being Givers ä Laziness - Eph 4:28 ä Covetousness - Lk 12:15 ä Losing Focus -- ä Forgetting that God gives to us that we might give! I Cor 16:2 ä I Chron. 29:14 “All things come of thee.”

We are made for Giving! (Heb 13:16) “God hath given us two hands--one to receive with, and the other to give with. We are not cisterns made for hoarding but channels made for giving!”

Invitation ä What will the Lord say at judgment? ä Well, done you were a good and faithful giver! ä Rom 12:1 “Present yourselves to God.” ä Obeying the gospel! II Thess 1:8 ä Repenting and seeking prayers

Daniel: A Man of Character ä He learned to be promoted yet remained the same ä Givers do not become proud but lay up treasures in heaven ä He did what was right whatever it costs! ä Givers don’t let fear of criticism stop them from giving!