Students, staff and school communities of Lutheran schools across Australia are invited to celebrate National Lutheran Schools Week – a week of celebrating the growing, embracing and out pouring of quality lifethe growing, embracing and out pouring of quality life honouring the beauty and blessing that flows in all its fullness from the heart of our generous creator Godhonouring the beauty and blessing that flows in all its fullness from the heart of our generous creator God
Let’s celebrate today! the presence of the Holy Spirit in our livesthe presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives the presence of the Holy Spirit in our worldthe presence of the Holy Spirit in our world the gifts God’s Spirit gives for us to use for God and others, those who are to the north, south, east and west of usthe gifts God’s Spirit gives for us to use for God and others, those who are to the north, south, east and west of us Let’s celebrate – Inwards Onwards Upwards OutwardsInwards Onwards Upwards Outwards
Look at all the crosses in and around our worship space what do you notice about the shape of a cross?what do you notice about the shape of a cross? how do Christians ‘read’ the cross? What does it mean?how do Christians ‘read’ the cross? What does it mean?
Song Inwards (being)
We pray: We praise you, dear God, for diversity and difference. We are all different. You created us that way. Even more, we are important to you, and understood by you. Shape us from within, work in us, Spirit of God, so that the gifts you have given us can bear good fruit out there. Amen
Song Onwards (belonging)
Bible reading and reflection
Song Upwards (becoming)
Leader: Maps show us where all of the different places in the world are: in our own community, in our country and in our world. Can you name some of the places on this map?
Symbolic action Stand up, carefully open your arms wide, and make the shape of a cross who are the people each arm of your cross is pointing to: to the north, to the south, to the east, to the west?who are the people each arm of your cross is pointing to: to the north, to the south, to the east, to the west? what might their needs be?what might their needs be? how can we help them?how can we help them?
A prayer of intercession We pray, dear God, for all those whose lives are affected by our actions orby our actions or our lack of concern orour lack of concern or by circumstances or disastersby circumstances or disasters that have taken away their dignity, independence, livelihood, belongings, and even their homes and countries.
We pray that all of our actions may lead to ripples of peace, joy and love which spread out into the world to all those in need…. We pray for our people in focus during NLSW, the people of Burundi and Sudan who are working through a resettling process, trying to get their lives back together again. Guide and strengthen them in their efforts. Protect them from harm and danger.
We ask, dear God, that you give us strength too, and generosity and wisdom to act where action is needed so that we can be contributors to a quality life for others. We remember that we are, by your grace. We remember that we are, by your love. Amen
Leader: Now let’s take the gifts God has given us to all we meet, and share ourselves with others. May the Spirit of our loving, generous creator God go with us.
Song Outwards (doing)