Chapter 6 Superlatives
Vocabulary Preview Energetic - person who has a lot of energy Energetic kids
Vocabulary Preview Generous - giving or sharing
Vocabulary Preview Obnoxious - annoying
Vocabulary Preview Patient - is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset Waiting patiently for food
Vocabulary Preview Stubborn
What is Superlatives? Describing People, Places, and Things You add _______ –est or The most _______. Example: The smartest The most stubborn
Superlatives Funny – the funniest Smart – the smartest Nice – the nicest Big – the biggest Kind – the kindest Pretty – the prettiest Safe – safest Big- the biggest Hot – the hottest
Superlatives Energetic – the most energetic Interesting – the most interesting Patient – the most patient Stubborn – the most stubborn Generous – the most generous Talented – the most talented
Comparatives vs. Superlatives Comparatives: I am taller than her. She is more talented than him. He is smarter than her. Superlatives: I am the tallest. She is the most talented person. He is the smartest. or He is the smartest person.
Internet 3-5 different groups Find the longest car (tell me how long, how many wheels and what’s in the car?) Find the longest river (tell me the name of the river and how long) Find the highest mountain (tell me the name of the mountain and how high? Find the longest fingernails (tell me the name of the person, where he/she from and how long?) Find the tallest person (tell me the name of the person, where he/she from and how tall?)
The Smartest Person I know Page 50 Example: Your friend Margaret Smart A. I think your friend Margaret is very smart. B. She certainly is. She’s the smartest person I know.
Closure Write down the correct answer 1.) She is the most (talented smartest) girl at ASDB. 2.) He’s a very (nicesmart nicest smartest) person. 3.) I am the most (bright brightest mean noisy stubborn) person on earth.
In class Side by Side Page 50 #1-9
Review Smart – Funny – Nice – Big – Energetic – Interesting – Patient – Stubborn - the Smartest the funniest the nicest the biggest the most energetic the most stubborn the most patient the most interesting
The Most Energetic Person I know page 51 A. I think your grandmother is very energetic. B. She certainly is. She’s the most energetic person I know. 1. Your friend Carlos interesting A.I think your friend Carlos is very interesting. B.He certainly is. He’s the most interesting person I know.
In class: Side by Side Page 51 #1-12
Review: Comparatives vs. Superlatives A small radio A smaller radio (Comparative) The smallest radio (Superlative)
Review: Comparatives vs. Superlatives A comfortable chair A more comfortable chair (Comparative) The most comfortable chair(Superlative)
Review: Comparatives vs. Superlatives A good car A better car (Comparative) The best car(Superlative)
Review: Comparatives vs. Superlatives A.May I help you? B.Yes, please. I want to buy a small radio. A. I think you’ll like this one. It’s very small. B.Don’t you have a smaller one? A.No, I’m afraid not. This is the smallest one we have. B.Thank you anyway. A.Sorry we can’t help you. Please come again.
Review: Comparatives vs. Superlatives A.May I help you? B.Yes, please. I want to buy a large TV. A. I think you’ll like this one. It’s very large. B.Don’t you have a larger one? A.No, I’m afraid not. This is the largest one we have. B.Thank you anyway. A.Sorry we can’t help you. Please come again.
In class: Review Comparatives vs. Superlatives SbS page 55 #1-12 Due tomorrow
Reading: pages Bob’s Bargain Department Store The Lord and Lady Department Store The Super Saver Department Store True or False? #1-6
True or False? Page Bob’s Bargain Department Store is the most popular store in town. _____ Why? - Bob’s Bargain Department store is the cheapest store in town. It isn’t the most popular. F 2. The salespeople at Lord and Lady are more helpful than the salespeople at Super Saver. _____ T Lord and Lady said, “Their salespeople are the most helpful in town.” Super Saver said, “The salespeople are helpful.”
True or False? Page The location of Lord and Lady isn’t as convenient as the location of Bob’s. _____ Why? - Lord and Lady is the most convenient - Bob’s isn’t very convenient. F 4. The Super Saver Department Store has the best prices in town. _____ F The prices are reasonable, not the best prices. I think Bob’s is the best Prices….because that store is the cheapest!
True or False? Page The home entertainment products at Super Saver are better than the home entertainment products at Bob’s _____ Why? Super Saver’s products are good. Bob’s products are the worst in town. T 6. People in this town say the cheapest department store is the best. _____ F The cheapest isn’t popular because the products are bad.
WIP – 10 minutes Tell about places to shop where you live: The cheapest, the most expensive, the most popular. Tell about the products they sell.
WIP – 10 minutes Who is the most important person in your life? Why? Write about this person in your journal.