Library MARC Records into Linked Open Data: Challenges and Opportunities MJ Han Timothy W. Cole William F. Weathers Eric Joyner 11/19/2013Library Research Showcase1 *This project has received generous support from the Library Research and Publication Committee.
Problem Statement: Library Catalog Records in Closed Boxes 11/19/2013Library Research Showcase2 Catalog records are stored in silos RECORD not DATA Not easy to share and reuse MARC MODS DC EAD
Research Question: Make Library Record Into Data and FREE! 11/19/2013Library Research Showcase3
MARCXML Transform to MODS (XSLT, Script) Search / Extract Names MODS with VIAF links Add Matching VIAF links Search / Extract Subjects Enrich MODS with LCSH (Script) MODS with VIAF & LCSH links Add Matching LCSH links Transform to RDFa/RDF MODS/RDF Future plan - Transform MODS to MODS/RDF Methodology: Transforming MARC to Linked Data 11/19/2013Library Research Showcase4
MODS with VIAF & LCSH links Transform to XHTML/RDFa (XSLT) XHTML/RDFa with semantics RDF Create RDF using RDFa Distiller Query VIAF real-time for more information; display links to user Virtuoso (Triple Store) Additional Services Query & harvest triples from SPAQL endpoint Outcomes: Producer and Consumer of Linked Data 11/19/2013Library Research Showcase5
Next Steps: Building a Sustainable Workflow As a Producer Find a best set of linked data ontology that works for Library data Create a triple store for sharing As a Consumer Identify best available linked data sources Use the linked data into discovery service Implement workflow to production! 11/19/2013Library Research Showcase6