Marie Curie Actions at CERN


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Presentation transcript:

Marie Curie Actions at CERN Seamus Hegarty, HR-TA HR Seminar, 27 February 2014

What are they? European research grants For researchers regardless of nationality or research field Generous research funding from 180 keuro to 10 Meuro Mobility is key CERN = European Interest Organization ~ own country Gain experience abroad in public & private sectors Training with career-relevant competences or disciplines Physics, computing, engineering, life sciences Impact on society

Who are they for? Mainly Early Stage Researchers (ESR) Equivalent to our Junior Fellows With up to 4 years of post-MSc experience Experienced Researchers (ER) Equivalent to our Senior Fellows 4 to 5 years post-MSc experience or PhD Some have more experience (post-docs)

How many?

What sort of projects? Innovative Training Networks for the ESRs Fellow, emphasis on PhD, 3 yrs for ESR, 2 yrs for ER Individual Fellowships for ERs (8 FP6 + 15 FP7) Fellow contract 2 years Industry-Academia exchanges COFUND Additional funding for our Fellowship Programme 3-year Fellowship + option to go on special leave

How do we secure funding? For the ITNs The Marie Skłodowska Curie Steering Group Support to proposal writers in the departments For COFUND Scaled-down Steering Group → Fellow Programme Negotiation with Brussels COFUND = a lengthy process of justification of costs

What is HR’s role in this? For departments Support to the Fellows and the managers Recruitment interviews for ITN positions  1500 EDH authorizations in 2013! For Brussels At least one report per year per Grant Agreement Mid-Term Reviews for project assessment = important! Follow up – LinkedIn!

What does CERN get out of it? Additional Fellows that we would not have on budget Excellent researchers → new blood for the future Work on topics of strategic importance to the EC Via contacts in Brussels Involvement in strategic policy development Visibility at the highest level

What do the Marie Curies get? Training, Training, Training! Science & technology: on the job + courses Complementary skills Language, management & communication Outreach experience € € € € € € It’s all about career development

Where do they come from? No nationality limitations  but… Mobility Rule: ≤12 months at CERN in past 36 months At CERN from 3 months to 3 years Since 2004 under FP6 & FP7 442 researchers at CERN (including 185 COFUNDers) North America 11 Central & South America 7 Asia 19 Australasia 1

Where do they go? Questionnaire 2012 on FP6 & FP7 (pre-COFUND) 50% academia 32% CERN 2% finishing PhD 2% other fellowship 8% in large-scale industry 6% in small-scale industry First move 38% said Marie Curie Fellowship and/or CERN were good references 62% said research as a Marie Curie was main reason for hiring If moved to another position 31% said Marie Curie Fellowship and/or CERN were good references 64% said research on Marie Curie Actions were main reason for hiring 5% declared no impact as they changed to different field

Our opportunities in H2020? New interesting host-driven actions Substantial budget increase Very good relations with Brussels  COFUND applied to the Doctoral Programme?

Our challenges in H2020? ITNs will remain extremely competitive Too many successive successful COFUNDs… Greater emphasis on innovation, multidisciplinary and inter-sectorial projects Participation of Swiss partners (UniGE, EPFL, etc.)  Receive € / pay CHF according to our Fellow payscale The Mobility Rule will apply to COFUND 

Thank you for your attention! Questions?