The Adventure Continues: Exploring the Next Generation Science Standards
Jacob Clark Blickenstaff Program Director, Washington State LASER Ellen Ebert Science Director, OSPI Here today through generous support from Boeing
Session Goals Increase awareness of A Framework for K-12 Science Education and how this document connects to STEM education and informs the Next Generation Science Standards through a first-hand learning experience.. Plan next steps as related to the Framework and Next Generation Science Standards. Reflect on your role in the adoption and implementation of Next Generation Science Standards.
Principles of A Framework for K-12 Science Education Children are born investigators Understanding builds over time Science and Engineering require both knowledge and practice Connecting to students’ interests and experiences is essential Instruction focuses on core ideas and practices Science learning standards promote equity 4
Framework Organization Dimensions of the Framework – Scientific and Engineering Practices – Crosscutting Concepts – Disciplinary Core Ideas Realizing the Vision – Integrating the Three Dimensions – Implementation – Equity and Diversity – Guidance for Standards Development – Looking Toward the Future: Research to Inform K-12 Science Education Standards
6 Eight Practices – Asking questions and defining problems – Developing and using models – Planning and carrying out investigations – Analyzing and interpreting data – Using mathematics and computational thinking – Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions – Engaging in argument from evidence – Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Seven Crosscutting Concepts o Patterns o Cause and effect o Scale, proportion, and quantity o Systems and system models o Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation o Structure and function o Stability and change Four Disciplinary Core Ideas: Life Science, Physical Science Earth and Space Science Engineering
Learning Conceptualized along Three Dimensions --- Leading to New Educational Standards Science & Engineering Practices Cross Cutting Concepts Disciplinary Core Ideas Standards are taking the form of performance expectations defined through combinations of elements of the three dimensions that progress across grade levels
WA is a lead state partner 2 writers >1000 reviewers during Public Draft Release NGSS “Lead” States (2011-present) 8
Kindergarten NGSS Earth Science Example 9
Middle School Earth Science Example 10 Note Learning Progression from kindergarten
High School Earth Science Example 11 Note Learning Progression from middle school
Connection Boxes Foundation Boxes Performance Expectation
States that have adopted standards No action yet States Adopting Next Generation Science Standards As of October 4, 2013
WA Science Standards “Evolution” Four Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRS) – Systems – Inquiry – Application – Domains Life Science Physical Science Earth and Space Science Science and Engineering Practices – Identifies 8 Practices Subsumes WA Inquiry Disciplinary Core Ideas – Adds Engineering and Technology Subsumes WA Application Crosscutting Concepts – Adds 7 crosscutting concepts Subsumes WA Systems and Application Washington Science Standards (2009) Next Generation Science Standards (2013) 14
Findings The vast majority of Washington science standards are fundamentally incorporated into the NGSS. There is some movement of disciplinary core ideas between grades at the elementary level, but this realignment goes hand in hand with the goal of not getting ahead of the CCSS-M and CCSS-ELA standards. In particular, the Systems, Inquiry and Application standards from Washington’s current standards are well-covered in the NGSS. Modest differences exist between the Disciplinary Core Ideas in the NGSS and the Domain standards in Washington’s EALR 4. – Most of the difference involves re-sequencing and an emphasis on current scientific applications, but there is also a fundamental shift to a deeper focus on fewer topics, much like the CCSS. 6/23/2013 OSPI Teaching and Learning Science 15
NGSS – The 3 Shifts Focus: The NGSS are Focused on deeper understanding and application of science content reflecting real-world interconnectedness. Coherence: Science and engineering Build Coherently across K–12. Integration: Science and Engineering are Integrated across K–12 in the NGSS. 16
Federal Assessment Requirements No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requires that our state’s science standards must be assessed: – Once in elementary school (we give Measurements of Student Progress in 5 th grade) – Once in middle school (we give MSP in 8 th grade) – Once in high school (we give Biology End-of-Course exam) When we change our state standards in science we need to change assessments (RCW 28A ). 17
WA State Science Assessment Evolution Once in elementary; once in middle; once in HS; exit exam? (2017?) Next Generation Science Standards (2013) Measurements of Student Progress in grades 5 & 8 (2011); Biology End of Course exam in HS, usually grade 9 or 10 (2012) New State Science Standards (2009) Measurements of Student Progress in grades 5 & 8; High School Proficiency Exam in grade 10 (2010) Assessment design changes WASL comprehensive science test in grades 5, 8, 10 (2006) Original State Science Standards (2006) 18
Transitioning – The 9144m View Awareness of NGSS & integrated nature of dimensions Phase in standards Continue phasing in standards Finish phasing in standards Examine materials
Ongoing: Statewide Coordination and Collaboration to Support Implementation (Professional Learning Providers and Partners Across WA ) Including: School Districts Higher Education Non-formal education groups Education and Educator Associations Business Partners Washington 20
Paired Verbal Fluency Find a person that you do not know: Introduce yourselves. Decide who is A and who is B. Person A listens to person B respond to the prompt until time is called (1 minute) Person B listens to person A respond to the topic until time is called (1 minute) Repeat the process as directed (30 seconds))
What might the adoption of Next Generation Science Standards mean for you in your context?
What would a learning experience be like that integrates engineering, science, technology, and math?
25 Eight Practices – Asking questions and defining problems – Developing and using models – Planning and carrying out investigations – Analyzing and interpreting data – Using mathematics and computational thinking – Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions – Engaging in argument from evidence – Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information Seven Crosscutting Concepts o Patterns o Cause and effect o Scale, proportion, and quantity o Systems and system models o Energy and matter: Flows, cycles, and conservation o Structure and function o Stability and change Four Disciplinary Core Ideas: Life Science, Physical Science Earth and Space Science Engineering
Engineering Design Process
Next Steps Today I learned… My next steps are…