oenQ Owl City, Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time (Lyric Video) oenQ


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Presentation transcript:

oenQ Owl City, Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time (Lyric Video) oenQ dsIM8 Good Morning Song dsIM8 Click to watch OneRepublic video, “Good Life” Click image to watch Owl City “Fireflies” video.

Warm-up: Wed., Jan. 8 th As you listen to Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen, write down your idea of a “Good Time”. – Keep it clean!

bene, bon = good bounteous [boun-tee-uhs] adj. 1. giving freely; generous 2. plentiful; abundant good and plentiful Word Origin & History: late 14c., from bounty + -ous; originally "full of goodness," but always shading toward "generous in bestowing," a sense which might have been left to bountiful.

bene, bon = good bona fide [boh-nuh fahyd] adj. 1. real or genuine 2. authentic; true in good faith, genuine Word Origin & History: 1540s, from L., lit. "in good faith." Originally used as an adverb, later (18c.) also as an adjective.

bene, bon = good benedictio n [ben-i-dik-shuhn] n. 1. an utterance of good wishes 2. blessing pronounced by an officiating minister good words, blessing Word Origin & History: 1400–50; late Middle English (< Middle French ) < Latin benedictiōn- [C15: from Latin benedictio, from benedīcere to bless;

bene, bon = good bonanza [buh-nan-zuh] n. 1. a rich mass of ore, as found in mining. 2. a source of great and sudden wealth or luck; a spectacular windfall good, rich ore deposit; anything yielding abundance Word Origin & History: 1835–45, Americanism; < Spanish: literally, smooth sea (hence, good luck, rich vein of ore), nasalized variant of Medieval Latin bonacia, equivalent to Latin bon ( us ) good

bene, bon = good bonus [boh-nuhs] n. 1. something given or paid over and above what is due. 2. a sum of money granted or given to an employee, a returned soldier, etc., in addition to regular pay, usually in appreciation for work done, length of service, accumulated favors, etc. an extra reward for goodness Word Origin & History: 1765–75; < Latin: good

bene, bon = good benevolent [ buh-nev-uh-luhnt] adj. 1. characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings: 2. desiring to help others; charitable: good-doing; kind Word Origin & History: 1425–75; late Middle English < Latin benevolent- (stem of benevolēns ) kindhearted

bene, bon = good bon vivant [bon vee-vahnt; French bawn vee-vahn] n. 1. a person who lives luxuriously and enjoys good food and drink. a lover of good living, especially food and drink Word Origin & History: < French

bene, bon = good benefactor [ben-uh-fak-ter] n. 1. a person who bestows a benefit; kindly helper. 2. a person who makes a (monetary) donation, as to an institution. one who gives good things Word Origin & History: 1425–75; late Middle English benefactour < Late Latin;

bene, bon = good beneficiary [ben-uh-fish-ee-er-ee] n. 1. a person or group that receives benefits, profits, or advantages. 2. a person designated as the recipient of funds or other property under a will, trust, insurance policy, etc. one who receives good things Word Origin & History: 1605–15; < Latin beneficiārius,

bene, bon = good benign [bih-nahyn] adj. 1. having a kindly disposition; gracious 2. showing or expressive of gentleness or kindness 3. Pathology. not malignant gentle, good, harmless Word Origin & History: 1275–1325; Middle English benigne < Anglo-French, Old French benigne (feminine), benin (masculine) < Latin benignus kind, generous,

bene, bon = good pro bono bonny bonbon bon mot benison You are also responsible for knowing these 5 additional words. Use dictionary.com for definitions.

bene, bon = good pro bono— ”for the public good” bonny— beautiful bonbon— candy/sweets bon mot— a witty remark benison— a blessing You are also responsible for knowing these 5 additional words. Use dictionary.com for definitions.